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International Women's Day on the Museumplein in Amsterdam

The comrades of Rode Morgen / Netherlands report


In Amsterdam, about 300 (young) women (and men) hold a rally on Museumplein - for the liberation of women in a liberated society. For equal opportunities, treatment and pay, against violence against women at home and in the streets, against passing the Corona crisis on to the people, for a society without exploitation and oppression and for a future for the youth. This year because of Corona no demonstration through Amsterdam, but there were many enthusiastic performances from Argentina, Suriname, Belarus, Kurdistan and the Netherlands. Women from many different countries gave speeches about the struggle of the women's movement in their countries. About women who stand up for their rights, like the Kurdish women in Rojava against ISIS and Erdogan's soldiers, the women from Belarus who tell about their struggle for freedom and the millions who take to the streets in Latin America under the slogan "Ni una menos", against the many murders of women and for the legalization of abortion. As long as capitalism exists, women will suffer from double exploitation and oppression. Reactionaries and fascists deprive women of all rights in imperialist wars and rape and murder them. However, worldwide, and also in the Netherlands, the militant women's movement is growing. It is heartwarming to see how many young women are now taking to the streets to fight for women's liberation and for a different world. During the rally, some of them will join the platform World Women, which reports on their activities and wants to connect the struggle of women for their liberation worldwide. Soon there will be a virtual European Conference of World Women. And next year there will be the third World Women's Conference - this time in Tunisia. The weekend before March 8, there were women's rallies in several cities, attended by hundreds of women and girls. On March 6 in Rotterdam and Utrecht, and on March 7 in Nelson Mandelapark in Amsterdam. There were also bicycle demonstrations in Amsterdam and Rotterdam. The militant women's movement is making itself heard!


International Women's Day in Rotterdam

March 6, 2021 - On Saturday, March 6, an outdoor manifestation was held in Rotterdam to celebrate International Women's Day. Not everyone was able to attend the national event in Amsterdam on Monday. A number of women's organizations and sympathizers joined together in the Rotterdam March 8 Committee and organized a rally. More than a hundred participants gathered coronadicht on the Grote Kerkplein. They listened to countless struggles of women, such as those against violence, against fascism and war (for example in Turkey and Iran), for the admission of refugees from the unhealthy and fire-prone camps on the Greek islands to the Netherlands and other EU countries, for equal pay and raising the minimum wage (which many women earn) to €14 per hour. Touching stories were told by some women who had to fight for years against the tax office, which wrongly suspected them of childcare benefit fraud. Some speakers pointed out the reason why women receive lower wages - about 20% less in the Netherlands - and are often economically dependent because of part-time work: Women are saddled with the bulk of child-rearing, household and caregiving responsibilities. This gives companies the opportunity to reduce their labor costs. March Eighth has its origins in the trade union movement (American textile workers). The ultimate initiative was taken 110 years ago by the socialist women's movement with Clara Zetkin. Women's liberation can only be complete in a society liberated from capitalism - socialism. The World Women called for international thinking to unite all the women of the world. Rotterdams Rood sang 'Bread and Roses' and the song of the British miners' wives

(translated with deepL)

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