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Immediate withdrawal of India from Nepali territories!

Resolution of the 4th ICOR World Conference (initiated by PPRF-Nepal), October 2021


India has occupied the Nepali territories in the northwestern frontier part from Kalapani via Lipulekh to Limpiadhura covering an area of 370 square kilometers, hence, ICOR demands an immediate withdrawl of India from the Nepali territories.

The acquisition and infringement of Nepali Territories by India since 1962 right after the border war was over between China and India in the northwestern frontier of the country that spans from Kalapani via Lipulekh to Limpiadhura that covers approximately an area of 370 square kilometers has been a naked and gross violation of Nepal's sovereignity and territorial integrity. Furthermore the Indian government has unilaterally published its geographical and political map by incorporating the above said region without any prior consultation with Nepali side. All the patriotic leftist forces and the masses of people in Nepal have relentlessly raised their voices against the Indian occupation of their lands. All the succesive governments in Nepal have been proved themselves as the pawn of Indian establishment. The ICOR supports all the just demands made by Nepali people and, at the same time, strongly condemns the Indian occupation of Nepali territories and demands for an immediate withdrawal of India from the occupied region“


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