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You are here: Home / 2021 / Demonstrate the power of the working and oppressed, raise their demands and unite in the squares on May Day!

Demonstrate the power of the working and oppressed, raise their demands and unite in the squares on May Day!

MLKP Central Committee, 27 April 2021


This May Day, the world working class carries the pain and rage over hundreds of thousands of workers, toilers, poor and unemployed who have died because of the corona virus to the streets. This is also the pain and rage over the aggravated men‘s violence against women under the pandemic! This is also the pain and rage over unemployment and poverty that make the lives of billions of people unbearable!

Armed with its pain and rage, the working class, which carries the world on its shoulders, will call out on May Day its yearnings and demands for freedom, social justice, the end of capitalist exploitation and patriarchy, and will demand equal rights for languages and nations. It will call on all the oppressed to unite and fight against the imperialist system that is plunging humanity and the entire world into annihilation.

The working class in Turkey and Kurdistan must also join this chorus with a loud voice. The oppressed, which include women, Kurds, poor, laborers, LGBTI+, different national communities, Alevis, anti-capitalist or feminist Muslims, Christians and art and literature workers producing for the people, must unite for a free and dignified life with the army of the working class, which consists of millions of women and men, in the streets and squares.

Brothers and sisters!

Enforce our rıght of practical-legitimate struggle against those who have banned May Day, while in the factories and hospitals millions of workers continue their work! Fıght to conquer the places that the fascist chief-regime has banned from the working people and the oppressed, starting with Taksim! Raıse the memory of the immortals of May Day. Istanbul is the heart of May Day in Turkey and the region. Raıse your voice on May Day in Istanbul and all of Turkey:

We want the right of expression, press, meetings, organizing, strikes, boycotts and actions!

We want the occupation attack on South Kurdistan to be stopped immediately and the occupiers to withdraw from Rojava, Syria and Libya!

We want the withdrawal from the Istanbul Convention to be reversed!

We want the procedure for banning the HDP and the Kobanê procedure to be stopped!

We want the special isolation in Imrali to be lifted, lawyer and family visits to be made possible again and the telephone right to be respected!

We want Covid-19 to be recognized as an occupational disease!

We want the cost of rent, electricity, water and public transport to be paid from a budget made up of the people‘s taxes.

We want justice and equality in vaccination!

We want minimum wage replacement to be paid to the unemployed, the unemployed due to the pandemic, and to store owners who have had to close their stores!

Brothers and sisters!

Amed is the heart of Kurdistan and the city of resistance and dignity. Raise your voice from Amed and all of Northern Kurdistan on May Day!

We want the colonialist attacks in South Kurdistan to end, the occupiers to withdraw from South Kurdistan, Rojava, Syria and Libya!

We want the special isolation in Imrali to be lifted, lawyer and family visits to be made possible again and the telephone right to be respected!

We want that the procedure for banning the HDP and the Kobanê procedure to be stopped!

We want the withdrawal from the Istanbul Convention to be reversed!

We want the right to freedom of expression, press, meetings, organizing, strikes, boycotts and actions!

Brothers and sisters!

Raise your voice on May Day in South Kurdistan and Rojava, in the squares and in the villages:

End the occupations of the Turkish bourgeois state in South Kurdistan, Rojava, Syria and Libya! Get out of here, occupiers!

The Kurdish people and the Arab people must stand shoulder to shoulder against the occupation!

End the special isolation in Imrali! Lawyer and family visits and the right to telephone calls must be made possible there immediately!

End capitalist exploitation, social injustices, inequalities and patriarchy!




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