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Cancellation of the USA project "Millenium Challenge Corporation" in Nepal

Resolution of the 4th ICOR World Conference (initiated by PPRF-Nepal), October 2021


The US has been trying to impose its imperialistic interest in Nepal through millenium challenge corporation (MCC) project in the name of infrastructure development, hence, ICOR demands the nullification of MCC with the immediate effect.

The US imperialism is hell bent to impose its vested interest in the pretext of providing a grant of US $ 50 million for so called infrastructure development programs through Millennium Challenge Corporation (MCC) project which is a part of Indo Pacific Strategy (IPS), at the same time, the US has pressurized the all successive governments in Nepal to approve an agreement known as Millennium Challenge Compact (MCC), herein after referred to as the compact, from the federal/national parliament of Nepal. The contents of the compact are not only against the national sovereignty and independence of the country, but, will override the constitution of Nepal. It is, therefore, all the patriotic and leftist forces and the masses of the people are against the compact to approve from the parliament due to the strong opposition from the masses of people. The ICOR supports all the just demands made by Nepali people and, at the same time, strongly condemns the US pressure and demands for an immediate nullification of the compact.“


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