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To the organisers of the pan-African march

ICOR European Coordinators, 27 November 2020

Dear organisers of the Pan-African March,


Through our French member organisation UPML we learned about the pan-African march in Paris, which was planned for 21.11.20. Even if the march had to be cancelled for the time being because of the Corona pandemic, we want to express our full solidarity with you in the name of ICOR Europe and hope to march with you soon.


ICOR stands for International Coordination of Revolutionary Parties and Organizations, it was founded in 2010 and meanwhile has more than 60 member organizations on all five continents. ICOR stands for the fact that revolutionaries worldwide grow together more and more through the unity of practical coordination of the struggles and step-by-step content-related discussion and unification. The chaos of crises worldwide clearly shows us: the way out of capitalism and imperialism can only be the fight for socialism. ICOR is also active in Africa and its African member organizations have, among other things, already held a conference on the future of the youth in Africa (in South Africa) and support the preparation of the World Conference of Grassroots Women, which will take place in 2021 (in Tunisia).


We wholeheartedly support the struggle of the peoples of Africa for their liberation and for self-determination! As you wrote in the declaration of the Pan-African meeting of September 2020, this can only be imposed in the struggle against the interests of the imperialists - and in Africa especially against those of French imperialism.

This makes it all the more important to unite all forces in the struggle against imperialism. In Africa, in Europe and worldwide. For this purpose we also call on you to join the Anti-imperialist and Anti-fascist United Front - an initiative of ICOR and ILPS (International League of Peoples' Struggle) to unite the anti-imperialist forces worldwide.


In Europe and especially in France, a focus of our work next year will be on 150 years of Paris Commune. In 1871 in Paris the workers seized state power for the first time! But it will not be a mere review and commemoration - the focus will be on the conclusions for today, e.g. for the fight against anticommunism, which wants to make us believe that capitalism has no 'alternative', while every day it shows that it cannot solve the problems of humanity. We invite you to take part in the activities and bring in your points of view.


Let us fight together - against racism, neo-colonialism and imperialism, for a liberated society worldwide!


Greetings in solidarity and struggle

Jeroen Touissant and Joachim Grießbaum

Coordinators of ICOR Europe



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