The Paris of the workers, with its commune, will be celebrated forever as the glorious harbinger of a new society
Existing translations
- Das Paris der Arbeiter, mit seiner Kommune, wird ewig gefeiert werden als der ruhmvolle Vorbote einer neuen Gesellschaft
- The Paris of the workers, with its commune, will be celebrated forever as the glorious harbinger of a new society
- El París de los obreros, con su Comuna, será eternamente ensalzado como heraldo glorioso de una nueva sociedad
- Le Paris ouvrier, avec sa Commune, sera célébré à jamais comme le glorieux fourrier d'une société nouvelle
- Париж рабочих с его Коммуной всегда будут чествовать как славного предвестника нового общества
“The Paris of the workers, with its commune, will be celebrated forever as the glorious harbinger of a new society.”
(Karl Marx, Civil War in France, May 1871)
Dear comrades, dear friends of the ICOR,
we say farewell to the year of the 200th birthday of Friedrich Engels and welcome the year of the 150th anniversary of the Paris Commune.
The past year brought new experiences and great new challenges for all of us. ICOR and the forces of AIAFUF (Anti-imperialist and Antifascist International United Front) have strengthened and grown together in it.
We send you and your organizations militant and revolutionary greetings!
We wish you and all of us optimism, health, steadfastness - and many successes!
Monika Gaertner-Engel
General Coordinator of the ICOR
Sanjay Singhvi
Deputy Main Coordinator
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