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The creation of the ICOR was an important milestone in the international proletarian movement

Coordination Council of the Workers Class Movement (Koordinazionnyj Sowjet Rabotschewo Dvizhenija), KSRD, Ukraine, 3 October 2020


Dear comrades!

The creation of the ICOR was an important milestone in the international proletarian movement. Different forms of coordination have existed before, but it is the ICOR that allows to systematically unite revolutionary organizations fighting for a better future for workers. Coordination and cooperation allow to act more successfully together, to get closer ideologically, to feel each other's friendly shoulder.


We were among the founders of ICOR, and the international direction of the struggle allows for better internal, critical and creative assessment of ourselves from the outside. In our work it is difficult - but the proletarian struggle is never easy, because it is conducted for a fundamentally new fair world order, against the forces that for centuries have mercilessly exploited this world and drunk from it the juices of life. The more important it is to act together, across borders and distances, against all the obstacles of capitalists, against viruses and difficulties!


The year 2020 shows once again the weakness and instability of the capitalist world, its injustice and distortion. As long as the ruling class continues to live in relative security, millions of ordinary people are at risk of being infected by the coronavirus and dying without access to normal medicine. Old problems remain - hunger, unemployment, lack of access to education, oppression based on nationality and gender, active pollution. The solution of all these problems is impossible without a decisive change of social and economic system, without the victory of socialism. And for this today dozens of organizations - members of ICOR are fighting.


Congratulations on your jubilee! We wish ICOR close unity and new victories - up to the fullest victory, until the triumph of socialism!




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