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Statement on Annexation of Nepali Territories by India

Presented by Patriotic People’s Republican Front of Nepal (PPRFN), June 2020


The government of India published its new political map on 02 November, 2019 just aftermath of the abrogation of the special status enjoyed by then Jammu & Kashmir state provisioned in article 370 of Indian constitution. India, in its newly published map, has incorporated the Nepali territories that spans from Kalapani through Lipulekh to Limpiadhura that covers approximately an area of 385 square kilometers. The Indian establishment, in this way, has displayed its expansionist policy and aggressive attitude in a very naked way towards Nepal once again. This sort of notorious acts committed on the part of Indian side is not a new phenomenon, but, it’s just a reoccurrence of such acts that began to happen since the Sugauli Treaty of 1816 reached between Nepal and British India and is continued to date.


The present-day Nepal-India boarder line had been demarcated through the Sugauli Treaty signed between government of Nepal and then British India government on March 1816. Nepal shares a 1880 kilometers long open boarder with India and there is a perennial boarder disputes between the two immediate neighbors and India has encroached Nepali territories at several places (74 places). India has occupied Kalapali since 1962 and has stationed its military camp for 57 years. Because India deems Kalpapani as an important strategic point in terms of its national security and has thus displayed its mala fide intention to maintain its grip over the territory.


The Nepali rulers have pursued/followed the path of national capitulation by signing numerous unequal treaties with Indian establishment time and again in the name of peace, cooperation and development. That is why the Nepali rulers of all hues, in the main, are responsible for providing a fertile ground for the reoccurrence of such incidents. And all these treaties have contributed India favorable circumstances to enhance its expansionist ambition by curtailing Nepal’s national sovereignty and territorial integrity.


We vehemently demand for an immediate withdrawal of Indian military from Kalapani and return the annexed Nepali territories of Lipulekh and Limpiyadhura at the earliest, and, at the same time, urge to respect national sovereignty and territorial integrity of Nepal.


Down with Indian Expansionism!


Long live International solidarity!


5. As the imperialist character of Russia and China is deleted in the call, now, the PPRFN agrees with the principles for the preparation of the founding of the anti-imperialist united front.


CP Gajurel ‘Gaurav’


Central Committee

The Patriotic People’s Republican Front of Nepal (PPRFN)

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