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Selected articles and statements from RS May and Latest issues of RS Weekly

CPI (ML) Red Star (Communist Party of India (Marxist-Leninist) Red Star), May 2020



  1. Party STATEMENT.

Bombarding a Locality: Srinagar Residents Left Homeless in the Encounter to Kill Two Militants

According to newspapers’ reports security forces, it means military, got information about two Hizbul Mujahideen militants entering and holding on in a house in old Srinagar on 18th May night. On early hours of 19th a large number of military and CRPF forces surround the congested part of the city with very old houses so close that they have common partition walls. Soon they start bombarding the hose with very heavy guns to neutralize the militants. The residents jump out and start running away leaving everything, except their children and relatives An encounter starts. Heavy firing for some time. Finally the two are neutralized, in means they are killed, in military language. And the security forces with draws leaving the other formalities to police. When the residents start returning the wanton destruction of the houses got revealed to them. Almost all the houses were reduced to shambles.. Soon angry residents threw stones and bricks at police who replied with teargas canisters.

Residents alleged the forces used heavy weaponry on the houses knowing very well that in the congested locality when houses are literally strapped on to one other. 15 to 18 houses are damaged, some of them razed to the ground? You cannot bombard a locality by using Heavy ammunition was used in an urban area in the name of fighting militants, After surrounding the area, they could have waited. But they wanted to finish the operation very fast!

At 2am on Tuesday, 19th May, when Srinagar was eerily calm and getting ready for another Sehri -- a predawn mealtime during Ramzan -- security forces walked silently past a maze of lanes near a government college and ringed a cluster of houses. They had credible leads that Junaid Sehrai -- a militant commander and son of a top separatist leader and his associate were in one of the houses. Soon an encounter ensued and through the day the area rent with firing and occasional blasts. Before evening both were killed. A policeman and three CRPF jawans were also injured. The gunfight had left behind a trail of destruction and shattered the life of residents who till hours ago had no inkling of what was to come when they were gotten out of the locality. On their return, they dreaded to see what had become of their beloved homes and belongings. Children, women and old men stood in trance looking at the destruction that wreaked the locality.

Where will they stay? Who will allow them in their homes in this pandemic? They have to live under open sky till at least a shedis prepared. When the media people reached next day, the smell of charred houses and teargas still hang heavy in the air at the Nawakadal neighbourhood, a day after, according to CNN-News18. As the action took place in a locality whch gave shelter to militants, government will not assist in rebuilding their houses. The whole locality is punished. This is the way Indian state is dealing with militancy in the Kashmir valley. After decades of denial of the right of self determination to Kashmiri people, India and Pakistan, and their army establishments have turned it to a military question. As it is a very useful issue to spread Islamophobia, and to consolidate majoritarian Hindutva fascist control, soon after they found it is possible to get the scrapping of Article 370 and turn J&K in to two UTs, Modi government detained all political parties’ leaders except of BJP and has handed over the valley to military to teach a lesson to the people there. With all options for democratic action coming to an end more and more youth are turning to militants, and Indian military has trned it in to its killing field. As J&K question is a sacred cow which no mainstream party even want to touch the horrific situation in the valley continues. The democratic forces in the country should seriously evaluate where the Modi government is taking the country to: firstly, by putting an end to even the bourgeois parliamentary system and judicial process in J&K,a war like situation is created with Pakistan; secondly by antagonizing all neighbors, now Nepal also; and thirdly, by even leading the country to get trapped in the conspiracy of Trump led US administration to make Modi government the pro-verbila little monkey to test how hot is the rice is in its intensifying conflict with China for global hegemony. by inciting Modi its junior partner as a proxy to go for another confrontation with China, US imperialism has a history of using its junior partners repeatedly in its “use and throw” games to advance its interests. Recognizing the dangerous war games played by Modi government, the democratic forces should oppose them and defeat him in these acts of treason, before the country and people aree led to a colossal tragedy.

  1. TUCI’ Call: Make 22nd May protest a big success

The workers, toilers, migrant workers, professionals, farmers etc were all facing problems due to the lockdown caused by the Covid pandemic. The Central and State Governments have not done anything to help them. Even though there was an order recognising that workers were entitled to wages during the lockdown and that there should not be any reduction in the workforce during this time, the majority of the establishments did not give wages to the permanent or to the contract and casual workers. Even when there was a huge accumulation of grains in the governments godowns the poor, the toilers, the needy and the migrant workers were not given sufficient provisions in time. Due to this the poor are facing starvation. Especially the migrant workers who have faced tremendous privations and have been forced to go on foot in the hot sun to their states or their districts. During this migration, many have died in accidents.

The 20 lakh crore package announced by the Prime Minister is a farce and there is not direct aid to the workers, toilers, farmers and unorganised workers. Out of this package only 3 lakhs 20 thousand 900 crores are to be spent by the centre. The remaining 16 lakh 60 thousand crores are in the nature of loans and providing liquidity. The UP Cabinet has decided to suspend 38 labour laws leaving only 4. The MP Government has suspended nearly all labour laws for new establishments. The Gujarat and Karnataka Governments have also stated their aim to follow suit. Of course, the UP Government was forced to take back the decision to increase the working hours to 12 hours before the court. The effect of all these changes is that the “hire and fire” system is being introduced and workers are being pushed into slavery. The attack is on the workers wages, the health, their social security and even their dignity. In this manner, the Indian working class is being pushed into colonial British times. Against all these attacks on the working class, considering all these facts, the trade unions all over the country have decided to observe 22nd May 2020 as a day of protest.

The CITU, AITUC, INTUC, HMS, BKS, Shramik Ekta Mahasangh, TUCI, AIUTUC, SEWA, LPF, AICCTU and UTUC are all taking part in this protest. If the anti-worker changes in the labour laws are not taken back we will be forced to further intensify the movement. We request you to accept the demands below to the extent they are applicable to you.

    1. Full wages to all workers for the whole period of the lockout

    2. Scrap all the anti-worker changes in labour laws including extension of working day to 12 hours

    3. Help the migrant workers not only to reach back to their villages but also for rehabilitation and for getting reemployment

    4. Give relief of Rs. 10000 to each unorganised sector worker or self employed worker who has got no wages for each month of the lockdown

    5. Condemn the “package” of the Central Government which only gives aid to the big corporates and steals from the workers and other toilers.

    6. We demand that 5% of the GDP be spent on public health.



3.Party Statement. Who is responsible for worsening of India-Nepal Relations?

Nobody can say that foreign relations of a country is a sacred cow and it cannot be discussed. Especially when after Modi rule started in 2014 India’s relations with all neighbors has worsened much. After intensifying efforts to act as the strategic junior partner of US, as a part of the efforts of US to contain China, Modi government is spending huge amounts to consolidate its position as the third biggest military power in the world. Islamophobia spread by the RSS has alienated all Arab counries. Now according to latest reports, India’s long term ally Nepal also has accused India for constructing a road through areas it considers as its own. So, all democratic forces should demand a discussion on this question.

India and Nepal share a 1,800 km open border. The Lipulekh Pass is claimed by Nepal based on the 1816 Treaty of Sugauli it entered with the British colonial rulers to define its western border with India. According to Nepal government areas of Limpiyadhura and Kalapani belongs to it and Indian troops were deployed there only after Indo-China conflict in 1962,in spite of Nepal’s objections. The question became serious as India constructed a road through this area unilaterally, without even discussing this matter with it. But according to Modi government this area belongs to India and there is no need to discuss with Nepal.

Nepak considers it another example for India’s big-brotherly attitude to its neighbors. Nepal published a “new map” endorsed by the cabinet  incorporating Limpiyadhura, Lipulekh, and Kalapani, which Modi government considers are part of Indian territory. In his speech in the parliament on 19th May, Nepal PM, Mr Oli also said Nepal would "bring back at any cost" the Kalapani-Limpiyadhura-Lipulekh area, which is part of Napal’s territory. The statement issued by the Indian army chief that Nepal is speaking in this way as somebody is behind it ( bviously he meant the Chinese) had created strong anti-IIndia sentiments.

In such an atmosphere, Nepal PM has accused India for whatever little covid19 infection has happened I his country. He said: It has become very difficult to contain COVID-19 due to the flow of people from outside. Indian virus looks more lethal than Chinese and Italian now. More are getting infected,"

  1. Party Statement on 19th May

Even 57 days after Lockdown stated, the colossal human tragedy, a criminal affront to working class dignity, Continues

Today TV channels are showing how the 20-25 thousand people who wants to go to Bihar were standing in th open in Ramlila Maidan, Gaziabad while the temperature shot up to 43 degrees for getting registered to get a seat in a train or bus. Most of them are hungry, all have suffered at least one beating and heard many vulgar words from the police, who are looting even the last paise from these devastated people. Modi is silent, so also Shah; but railway minister Goyal is talking about hundreds of trains he has sent as Shramik Specials. But the nmber of people waiting for trains or buses are only increasing. It is an inferno! Many more migrant workers are still held back in Haryana, Punjab and many other states. What is happening is a punishment of the workers for the crome that they want to go home and die, so exhausted are they! But the administration and the police do not bother to take any sympathetic attitude, it seems under orders the are punishing the workers for days after days for the crime of trying to go home! Today Modi and Shah may be laughing, but a day will come when they will be asked to account for it!


  1. A Joint Appeal to Revolutionary Left Organizations in India.

Evaluation Of The Present Situation; And Proposal For Revolutionary Unity

Dear Comrades,

Revolutionary Greetings.

  1. The Covid-19 pandemic has paralyzed the human society at global level. This has led to further worsening of the already permanently crisis-ridden world capitalist economy. Still, treating this as business s usual, the imperialists and their junior partners everywhere are trying to intensify their neoliberal plunder of the working class and nature, and at the same time to throw the whole burden of the crisis on to the backs of the working class and the oppressed people. It is true for the whole world including India.

  2. Major capitalist crises are major, just because they bring a great deal of uncertainty and require abnormal responses from the ruling classes as well as from the revolutionary forces. While the fascist ruling classes are showing their own in the way they are known for, by resorting to more pernicious measures whether in pursuing neo-liberal policies or in introducing fascist onslaught, revolutionary forces are yet to show any such initiative of their own and come out with a well defined plan to counter them. The most necessary plan as for today on the part of the revolutionary forces is certainly to get united in the first place, as without this it is now even more difficult to challenge the fascist multipronged response with respect to and in the name of dealing with this Covid-19 health and economic crises.

  3. If a major crisis turns permanent, like the one that erupted in 2008, it makes even abnormal responses far more difficult for the ruling classes. Since then, this is our experience that it has not been easy for capitalism to move on from there. Covid-19 has hit world capitalism just at such a time. The present juncture of crisis as induced by Covid-19 is such that it is giving rise to permanent and successive moments of turmoil with bold openings for new political developments. Good or bad depends upon how working class forces and oppressed people rise to the occasion and act to lead the oppressed humanity in such a grave situation. But one thing is sure, if we don't act boldly to seize the opportunity thrown to us in the given circumstances such as these, the reactionary fascist forces will surely utilize this situation to crush even whatever democracy is left.

  4. Today's crisis of world capitalism, as it stands more accentuated and aggravated by Covid-19 pandemic, has little chance to get stymied by any government or bank measures. In no way is it poised to be overcome or stemmed by fiscal or financial measures. Its edifice is crumbling and falling non-stop. If we don't seize this moment, the fascists surely will, and where the fascists are already in power they will get further strengthened. If not overthrown by a revolution, crisis will further worsen and help fascists to fix humanity even more perniciously. In this lies a great opportunity, though it may seem impossible to many, for the working class and oppressed people and humanity to strike at the roots of the crisis and come out with a better world. Let us all show our revolutionary will, exemplary courage and come up with such a dream with a well planned offensive, in the situation when we see fascists tightening their grip.

  5. Insofar as Covid-19 has seemingly forced a shift in narrative on public health and a change in discourse on the future of neo-liberalism and globalization as being evident among bourgeois economic experts, it bears not much substance and is like a temporary fit stemming from internal convulsions caused by the sudden and severe attack of Covid-19 pandemic. Nothing much sans a few cosmetic changes and a temporary ostentatious makeover is going to occur. Even that may evaporate once normalcy resumes. Neither is neo-liberalism going to be put in back gear, nor is there any possibility of globalization getting reversed. There is, however, an avalanche of such views pouring in from all directions that seek to paint a picture of their reprocessing, if not reversing. This is a newly born utopia of the petty bourgeoisie class being expressed and echoed by the bourgeois economists/experts with a sinister plan to divert the public attention away from realizing the need of rebuilding a new society on the ruins of capitalism. Such a narrative is a veiled attempt to further help the completely rotten and inefficient capitalist system get some lease of life that stands threatened due to increasing mass unrest in the wake of Covid-19 pandemic attack. Long supply chains collapsed and hard borders are back and international travel has been severely constrained, yet this is not going to be a permanent takeaway of today's situation. The revolutionary sections of the working class must not fall victim to it and grasp that its reversal lies in completely dismantling and overthrowing it. Given the gigantic growth of monopolies and level of centralization, growing merger of the monopolies giants with the state and thus taking over by them of all its organs, no switch over from private control to state control is possible, either. There will be no let up in growth of barbarism all its way if the present situation is not overturned by the revolutionary forces of the working class.

  6. The outbreak of SARS virus in 2003 and MERS in 2012 were sufficient warnings on the danger of emergence of such viruses and other severe calamities as a result of continuing ecological devastation. As became evident in 2019 Madrid conference on climate, following US administration under Trump, many imperialist forces and neo-colonially dependent countries also went even against Kyoto Protocol like treaties in practice. So, carbon gas emission, deforestation etc intensified further. In this situation, it was already warned by many scientific studies that old viruses may get mutated and appear again in more dangerous forms, or new viruses shall appear as many of them dormant for many millennia have come out as glaziers in both poles are melting and breaking as a result of global warming. So, it will not be incorrect to point out that the capitalist imperialist system in its most voracious and devastating neoliberal/corporate phase is responsible for the outbreak of novel corona virus or Covid19

  7. Capitalism as a system of production runs on the objective logic surplus value or profit and this is manifested primarily as the contradiction between capital and labor and, secondly, also as competition among the class of capitalists for market that eventually leads to development of science and technology that increases efficiency of labor and thus become a productive force. It is here that the source of an immense and never-ending development in scientific knowledge and technology ushers in human history. However, as knowledge and technology are not just the fruits of capitalist mode of production based on profit and they existed even in prior societies, yet it is capitalism that created enormous potential, hitherto completely unknown, for humans to explore into the natural sources of knowledge rendering its laws and having got the power of the methods to reckon with them. Thus, it has also created a great potential to intervene into the Natural world external to human species. The problem is that the extent and nature of the realization of the scientific potential that capitalism produced or engendered in a positive manner is undermined by the objective logic of profit. The whole development of capital is contradictory and this is now most reflected in the destruction of Nature in the worst way. Thus, only by way of exploiting the contradiction between labour and capital has capitalism attained the capacity to destroy the nature. Capitalism created capacities that now remain idle as a result of loss of areas and options of further investment of capital and hence it has now gone on a destruction spree. It has led to unprecedented destruction of productive forces, too, in the absence of the requisite profit incentive. Marx had already said that capital is the real barrier of capitalist production and the means of capitalist development i.e. the unconditional development of the productive forces of society comes continually into conflict with the limited purpose, the self-expansion of the existing capital that hence the laws of development of capital that feeds and grows on exploitation of labor finally leads to destruction of capital, Nature and the whole society through wars, hunger, malnutrition, diseases, inviting natural calamities and all possible means and measures.

  8. Coming to the present crisis, when Covid-19 invaded, once again the warnings coming from scientists were neglected for many weeks by almost all the leaders of the main capitalist world. As China is most globalized economy, Covid19 spread very fast through international passengers. Then there were lockdowns and other abrupt reactions, without making any prior preparations in the medical field or in preparing the government machinery and the masses for it. As a result, the number of affected and dead went up phenomenally, and the masses of workers as in India were subjected to avoidable human tragedy, seeing which it can be said that more will die due to hunger and other diseases than due to pandemic.

  9. The pandemic has almost stopped all manufacturing activities and paralyzed the whole service sector, the economy is severely affected. So, in spite of the fact that the number of people affected and dead have reached almost 3.5 million and more than 3 lakhs globally, and these numbers are still increasing, most of the governments have decided to go for some form of phasing out of the lockdown, while developing vaccines and medicines to contain Covid-19 may take many months or even more. So, clearly covid-19 is going to stalk the planet for a longer time to come. It is also a fact that covid-19 can even switch over to back gear and show its resurgence in places where it was controlled and contained. Also, it may attack in waves like manner while the present phase is just its first wave. Whether world capitalism which is based on only profit motive will efficiently and effectively be able to manage this before it becomes even a greater catastrophe in future is the major question before the whole humanity. Crisis-ridden as the world capitalism already was before covid-19 struck, it is highly expected that world capitalism may seek to project and resort to some very irrational or even false steps in the name of curbing it resulting in its most dangerous flaring up. Even in Africas and Americas, its spread has shown some very disturbing and troubling upward trend. The poor countries are in very precarious situation in facing this pandemic.

  10. Like in most other countries, In India too, it was much after WHO's declaration of a pandemic and health emergency that the Modi government decided to act, that also through an abrupt announcement of lockdown only after Trump's announcement of it in the US. And the lockdown was announced by Modi, without making any preparations for many weeks for facing the pandemic at national level, without planning the action with the state governments who have to do the actual field work, without providing financial assistance to them, without taking into consideration what will be the plight of the 40 to 50 crores of casual/contract workers, most of whom are migrant workers who will lose jobs and shelter. Still, after 55 days of lock downs, no sufficient arrangements for testing, treatment of patients, for isolation and quarantine, for medicines, equipments or safety gear has been made. As a result, though the phasing out is started from 4th May, the Covid19 graph shows no sign of flattening in India and both infection rate and death rate remain high.

  11. The first glaring fact before us is that, similar to what happened in earlier occasions like 2003 and 2012, though the Ecological Catastrophe is coming nearer intensifying climate change and global warming, giving rise to possibilities for Covind19 pandemic like crises more frequently, threatening even the extinction of the human species from the earth, once again the global capitalist-imperialist system and its junior partners like Modi are still showing no serious concern to this grave issue. So, the chasm between capital and humanity based on the basic contradiction of labor vs capital, as reflected in the ongoing unfettered capitalist destruction of Nature is intensifying very fast. Therefore we should make all efforts to take it up internationally through all possible platforms, and within the country by developing our studies and discussions with like-minded forces. We should launch a powerful movement focusing on this question, educating the whole humanity of the need of replacing this capitalist world with a new world based not on profit, but on the overall well being of the whole humanity. We should fight the capitalist-imperialist system and its junior partners with the strategic concept of overthrowing their rule.

  12. The world economy  is facing the biggest plunge since the Great Depression of the 1930s-- economic contraction as of now is estimated at an absolute  shrinkage of around 9 trillion dollars, equal to the combined GDP of Germany and Japan--not happened even during WW II, as at that time the war-oriented production was flourishing. The consequences including unemployment, poverty, destitution, etc. are going to be unimaginable. These developments have considerably weakened the US position as world's largest economy for more than a century. With around 800 military bases all over the world and military spending of around three times that of China, in spite of its most destructive military machine, in the long-run it will be difficult for it to sustain its present hegemonic positions. NATO is going to weaken further. US economy is slowing down. It is also losing its grip over UN system as is manifested in the recent of WHO’s stand leaning to the side of China, which is already the biggest commodity exporter and trading partner and is trying for establishing its supremacy in the capital export, too through OBOR initiative, etc. There are possibilities for the new vigor and avenues opened for Digitisation and Digital currency before and during the pandemic and global lockdown may reduce the role of US dollar's international role as medium of exchange and store of value. This may have its impact in US led imperialist institutions, IMF, World Bank, WTO and their subsidiaries. The inter-imperialist contradictions and trade war shall assume new dimensions, and Post-COVID international relations also may change accordingly. 

  13. The total disruption in production, supply chains, transportation, trade, travel, etc. in the post-pandemic situation is not going to revert to the earlier position but to a new situation with far-reaching consequences for the working class, especially for the 'informal working class', the women, migrants, refugees and all oppressed. With the latest developments in data processing, production and processing technologies, capital will try to bring about an alteration in the accumulation process and for avoiding possible disruptions in future. As at present, as there is no immediate possibility for an intervention by the revolutionary forces, the new international division of labor that is going to emerge will put heaviest burdens on the back of the working people and oppressed. Along with possible alterations in energy use, pattern of employment including more emphasis on home-based work, and lengthening of working time,  emphasis on video conferencing instead of travel and physical meeting, adaptation to electronic mode and e-services, change in education system and research, etc. will have far-reaching consequences for the working class. Though no immediate intervention looks possible, primarily due to absence of a strong revolutionary working class party, yet there are such indications coming from the whole world that throws possibilities of widespread unorganized and spontaneous working class eruptions of protests and revolts and this gives a very strong ground that can be utilized to move on from here and get prepared to give a befitting challenge to the ruling classes. No doubt, this needs an all India party having roots in the working class and the toiling masses. So, we find there is still a silver lining even where there are dark clouds all around.

  14. What is going to happen in the Indian situation should be analyzed in this global context. The increasing economic contraction and social crisis in India, with its own specificities, can become more gruesome, under one of the most reactionary regimes in the world. Among other things, the un-organized and informal workers, whose number according to ILO is 400 milllions, comprising 95 percent of Indian working class, including inter-state migrants question is unique to India. This issue has become glaring in the pandemic context. The case of another 6.5 million Indian migrant workers in Gulf countries, majority of whom are in labour camps, is another serious issue that needs attention of the revolutionary forces. They have to give specific attention to such areas and work out programs for organizing them. As the Modi regime is utilising COVID19 pandemic as an opportunity for speeding up implementation of the RSS agenda of Hindurashtra, revolutionary forces likewise should strive for a counter-offensive appropriately intervening in this situation.

  15. It will be factually, analytically and historically wrong to think that the imperialist system and all those who follow its neoliberal path shall change because of the Covid19 pandemic. From what the ruling classes are doing even while the pandemic continues, it is clear that they take this as business as usual even though the bourgeois experts are saying things that seem to suggest otherwise i.e. a change or shift in narrative, in a direction opposite to the one that goes with neo-liberalism. But, in actual life, as said above, there is nothing to suggest such a change. Once preventive vaccine and medicines are developed, they will feel free to continue destroying nature in pursuit of capitalist greed, which is going to never end. At the same time, they are utilizing the present opportunity to take away more rights of the working class and the oppressed people and to make the system more fascistic.

  16. Though Covid19 affected all, all the burden of the crisis was thrown to the back of the masses. They are in colossal misery, with practically no end to it in sight. It is possible that more people may die due to starvation or commit suicide due to agony than the ones who will die due to Covid-19. The way Modi government is communalizing the issue spreading Islamophobia, pushing forward RSS agenda, arresting more Muslim students and youth falsely alleging involvement in anti-CAA movement or Delhi pogrom, using police force to suppress people under all pretexts, refusing to provide shelter, food and medical care for the millions dumped in concentration camps like places, not procuring adequate medical equipments, safety kits, testing kits, medicines etc, it is dead sure that this natural calamity will remain no more natural and will turn into a capitalist and imperialist driven man-made perpetration of the biggest ever human tragedy, while ruling classes are stipulating siphoning of whatever social wealth created by human labor is left with the society and the government. This is increasingly alienating the masses and forcing them to revolt. The revolutionaries must take this into account while assessing the overall situation. There are still signs of hope.

  17. Like the whole capitalist world, India too was facing serious recession, leading to galloping unemployment when the Covid crisis broke out. During the last two months, if the Covid-19 crisis has led the world economic scene to an acute crisis; in India, the condition is going to become worse. What is going to happen? In 1970s when serious crisis broke out, the world capitalist-imperialist system adopted neoliberal policies of globalization, liberalization and privatization, threw the entire burden of the crisis to the backs of the working class and oppressed peoples, while making more accumulation of wealth in the hands of elite and ruling classes. Again, when the 2008 crisis happened, they further intensified plunder of labor and nature and got more enriched, accumulating most of the world’s wealth in fewer hands. Though the neoliberal model advocated by IMF, World Bank and WTO has failed, instead of accepting it, in the post-Covid19 phase they will be further called for taking plunder of human labor and nature to unprecedented and newer levels to continue their barbarous practice. Irrespective of whatever may be the consequences of the sharpening trade war between US and China, whoever may come to dominance, similar to what happened repeatedly in the past, this time also the working class and the oppressed people shall be the losers, if the present hegemony of the global imperialist system and its junior partners is allowed to continue. So, appropriate action should be taken to continue ongoing efforts more vigorously, while intensifying the ideological struggle focusing on how capitalist imperialist system is intensifying its attacks on labour and nature, from a revolutionary perspective.

  18. Coming to state of India's economy in brief, let us be more specific to the point. After 55 days of lockdown, while the workers and toiling masses are clueless about the ways and means of their survival in the face of mounting unemployment and hunger like situations that may not subside even after lock down is over

At the same time, Modi government is providing all forms of incentives, writing off of bank loans, cut in taxes, delayed payment of taxes, packages to ensure their profit to the corporate houses. The main content of the ‘Rs.’20 lakh crores’ package announced by Modi is basically for helping the entrepreneurs of all levels. Besides, the chief ministers, especially of the BJP ruled states are coming forward with the cut down of all labour rights, reducing them to bonded labour, to please these blood suckers.

  1. Actually, while the actual preparations for opening up is started from 4th May, the Modi government has accepted all demands of the Indian big and medium bourgeois have been demanding for the last few weeks their desire that government should take over the existing bad loans and also provide some kind of future guarantee to take over such bad loans if they go bad in the event of failure of economic recovery. So clearly the crisis has sent things to their extreme limit. That means, transferring not only today's, but also future capitalists’ private losses to the public finances. It only means that the worst of neo-liberalism is yet to come. Worst form of austerity and extortionist methods such as extracting higher taxes and levies from public shall be clamped upon the masses. This also shows that, notwithstanding pessimistic claims that there is no light at the end of the tunnel, it's time for the revolutionary forces to brace up for something more than being confined and shackled to 'spontaneity', even if it is resorted to in the name of immediate demands of working class. The key task here is to combine the most immediate demands with appropriately well defined intermediary political demands and then to finally come up with the slogans of proletarian led revolutionary interventions in due course of time.

  2. It is already clear how the burden of the pandemic is going to be thrown to the backs of the migrant workers, to the urban and rural poor to the masses of the people in general. Already, there are calls for moratorium on trade unions for a year. Another call is, to help economic recovery the workers should work in 12 hour shifts with same pay. All labor laws have been suspended. Some are calling for cutting the wages to Rs 200 per day like that of MNREGS workers. Though the government asked the managements to pay the wages for lockdown period to workers, following a writ petition, the Supreme Court has in effect invalidated it.

  3. So, in the post- lockdown phase, firstly, an all round intensification of plunder of the working class, natural resources and the agricultural sector by the corporate forces can be expected, making life more miserable for them and intensifying the agrarian crisis, too. Secondly, while intensifying Islamophobia, more genocides as happened in Northeast Delhi may be resorted to, intensifying police raj and all out attack on Muslims, dalits, Adivasis and other backward sections and women. There will be a powerful move again to launch the NPR along with Census to prepare the NRC based on CAA. Along with these. Modi government may go for more militarization and closer relation with US imperialism, whipping up anti- China campaign further and attempts at a possible military skirmish with Pakistan. And we must make no mistake, using such planks and these and many other grounds, an anti-communist law may also be brought through as an ordinance.

  4. It means we are going to face a very testing time both internationally and within the country. We have to get prepared to fight on all these fronts and also against the continuing impact of Covid19 among the urban and rural poor. It is better to start discussion on these questions, to unite the revolutionary left forces and to make the whole movement politically and organizationally prepared to take up these challenges.

This evaluation and proposals are being sent for discussion to all revolutionary organizations with an appeal to unite so that the fascist offensives in such a condition of a serious health and economic crisis could be countered and the regressive situations may be overturned.

Comrades, let us take up immediate tasks, and combine them with intermediary political demands as emanating from the immediate tasks, and finally come up with revolutionary slogans of proletarian led intervention in due course of time. The preparation of such tasks can be taken up once a possibility of a broad unity seems to be arriving and surfacing. If the revolutionary left forces agree, in the main, with this analysis and proposals, or are prepared to sit together for discussion with others based on it, we can advance to drafting the Common Program for coordination, if immediate unity is not possible, and united actions based on it. Our appeal is, comrades, at this critical juncture, let us take up this challenge.

Comradely, KN Ramachandran, GS, CPI(ML) Red Star,

Ajoy Sinha, GS, CPI(ML) PRC.

Dated 17th May, 2020.



  1. May Day Call: Capitalism Cannot Save Humankind, Overthrow Capitalist Imperialist Barbarism, Fight for Socialism!

The international working class is observing the May Day this year at an extremely critical time. Already the global capitalist imperialist system, beset with serious recession, was throwing its burden to the backs of the working class as usual. At this juncture, the Covid19 pandemic has Brocken out, a consequence of capitalism’s voracious plunder of the nature. It has further intensified the crisis faced by the working class and oppressed masses, as the ruling reactionary governments are throwing its burden also to their backs.

As elsewhere in the world, what we are witnessing in our country also are its consequences. Though the first Covid-19 case was detected by end of December in China, the WHO from then onwards was alerting all the countries to prepare to face it, as this corona virus has the capacity to spread fast. But, like Trump and other European capitalist leaders, Modi government also did not take any preventive action or preparations to contain it. By mid-March, it had started creating havoc around the world. Modi woke up only then. Soon, without taking the state governments which had already started fighting the pandemic in to confidence, and without assessing what will happen if lockdown is announced in a country of 135 crores of people, 40 crores of them casual/contract workers, and half of them migrant workers, and without making any preparations for facing this threat, the PM abruptly called Janata Curfew on 22nd March, followed by the 21 days lockdown on 24th .What happened following this, the colossal human tragedy, with more than 20 millions of migrant workers who lost job and shelter thrown in to shelters under stay where you are order along with their families, without adequate food or medical care. Without opening the FCI godowns for issuing adequate food for all, without announcing an economic package sufficient to procure all medical and safety requirements, to pay allowance for all to overcome immediate distress, to send back the migrant workers to their villages, and to arrange necessary food and shelter for them, they along with all oppressed people are abandoned by the Modi government to fend for themselves! Even when the second lockdown is also going to end on 3rd May, the stranded workers within the country or abroad do not know what will happen to them.

If three decades of neo-liberal raj they were robed off all the hitherto hard won rights, under corporate fascist rule of Modi, they are abandoned to starve in concentration camps like refugees, under the lockdown! And, in the post-lockdown days, galloping unemployment, along with 12 hour shifts, moratorium on right to organize, reduction of wages to Rs. 200 per day at par with the MNGREGA workers like proposals put forward by Government of Gujarat, Chamber of Commerce and Industries etc are awaiting these, casual, contract workers and their families along with the urban and rural poor who constitute almost two third of the population. Add to this the condition of the overseas Indian workers, especially the 6.5 lakh workers who are in dire conditions and waiting for evacuation to their homes! The condition of what is left of the ‘permanent workers and employees’ is also not bright.

This is what has happened to the working class movement in the country with more than one century of glorious history. At the international level, the workers condition may be a little better in the old imperialist countries, but it is similar or worse in most other countries. From the time the neoliberal/globalization policies were launched in the 1970s following severe crisis faced by the global imperialist system, though these crises are continuing unabated still, as the working class movement went on weakening losing its political will to fight back, almost parallel to the severe setbacks suffered by the socialist forces under increasing influence of right opportunist or anarchist/sectarian tendencies, the imperialists and their junior partners succeeded to transfer the whole burden of the crises they confronted to the back of the working class and oppressed peoples. As a result, the imperialists using newer technologies also succeeded to overcome their crises and to intensify their loot of human labor and nature, accumulating super profit, intensifying accumulation of people’s wealth in their hands, reaching a situation when more than 70% of world’s wealth is concentrated in the hands of 1% of the monopolies. At the same time, the working class and other toiling, oppressed masses are reduced to worst conditions of wage slavery and pauperization.

This condition cannot be changed by legal fights for reforms and better bargains alone as is evident more and more every day. Of course, struggle for reforms and better bargaining power are needed, but, as we witness today, if only they are relied upon, the working class shall reach deeper pits of agony and misery. For liberation from these pits, as Communist Manifesto called on them, they have to fight and break the chains that bind them, they have to basically transform the conditions that make them wage slaves, they have struggle to achieve working class power. This demand a continuous transformation of the working class from a class in itself to a class for itself, to a revolutionary class consciousness and mobilization, making them capable of leading the peasantry and all other oppressed classes and sections to people’s democracy and socialism.

On this May Day, at a time when the working class has lost everything they had won through enormous sacrifices, and once again they are thrown in to unbelievable poverty and misery, let us pledge to launch another great offensive for mobilization and politicization of the working class, so that they can once again create history by overthrowing the global capitalist imperialist system and its collaborators of all hues, and advancing towards workers’ power, to socialism.

  1. Organize Planned Return of the Stranded Migrantorkers within India and Abroad.


Modi Government had declared the lockdown for 21 days without considering its effect on workers and toiling masses. There were no plans for ensuring proper livelihoods for the workers, particularly migrant workers, as all the work sites were closed following lockdown. Despite the government's order, private owners are not paying wages for the lockdown period. So workers are on the verge of starvation after one month of lockdown. 

Same or more barbaric things happened to the migrant workers. After losing jobs and shelters as almost 20 millions of them wanted to go home, and as all trains and buses were stopped they started to walk the long distances with their family, on 29th March under the order, stay where you are they were lathi-charged, sprayed with chemicals at some places, and thrown to concentration camp like confinement in different states.

When the first phase of lockdown completed on 14th April, their hope of returning to native places were shattered as thousands of them who reached different railway stations were again lathi-charges and dumped back in the temporary shelters. Neither they have any money or jobs, nor do they get satisfactory shelter, food or medi-care. Their condition is worsening and there are reports of starvation deaths. Terror is created by deploying para-military forces besides police everywhere. To fight against corona though the government talks about social distancing, along with it neither facilities for it, nor healthy living conditions, proper food, sanitation is provided.

Now when the second phase of 19 days lockdown is going to be completed on 3rd May, in spite of some chief ministers also demanding, there are no assurances for testing all these stranded workers and to send them in a planned way to their distant places in non-stop trains and buses with necessary food and medical arrangements As all these more than 1.5 crores of migrant workers with families are totally focused on returning home somehow, it is certain that they will go to any extent for it. There are other sections like large number of students also in the same condition. So, we demand that the PM should come out with a total plan for it, or the chief ministers should put pressure in one voice so that it materializes. We appeal to all political parties, trade union centers, mass organizations, civil society groups, and all democratic forces and concerned individuals to send appeals to the PM and the CMs so that a planned evacuation of all these migrant workers can be achieved starting from 3rd May or earlier.



Learning from Lenin: What Does It Mean Today?

KN Ramachandran


Today, 22nd April, 2020, marks the 150th birth anniversary of V.I. Lenin, the great leader of the proletariat and oppressed peoples of the world. Lenin had come to the leadership of the Bolsheviks in the RSDLP, when the capitalist system had transformed in to monopoly capitalism, imperialism, when the imperialist countries had divided the world among themselves, and the inter-imperialist feud for re-division of the world was threatening the outbreak of a World War. By that time, the imperialists had already corrupted the working class leaderships of number of countries to labour aristocracy. They were putting forward many arguments like capitalism has changed, and there are possibilities for working with them. These social democratic leaders were dominant in the Second International. So, in the Basle Conference of the SI, 1913, when Lenin moved the resolution in case the War breaks out “the working class should not support the war efforts of the bourgeoisie of their countries, but strive to transform the imperialist world in to a civil was for capture of political power”, he had to fight bitterly to get it approved with a slender majority. But, when the First World War really broke out in 1914, the social democrats of most of the imperialist countries, rejecting this stand called on the working class to join the war efforts of the ruling class of their countries. This meant the liquidation of the SI, and evaluating this Lenin declared that with this the real meaning of social democracy has become renegacy, class betrayal.

It is in this context, Lenin studied what is imperialism and came out with his great contribution to the development of Marxist theory, Imperialism, the highest stage of capitalism. It showed imperialism is barbarism, it has shifted the centre of revolution from the capitalist imperialist countries to the weak links of imperialism like Tsarist Russia, and to the large number of countries under colonization, the colonial, semi-colonial, dependent countries. Based on this, he fought against the social democrats in the RSDLP, the Mensheviks, and the anarchist Narodniks, strengthened the Bolshevik party as the vanguard of the revolutionary proletariat, built the Soviets of the workers, peasants and the soldiers who were coming back from the war front after the defeat of Tsarist forces in the war. While the Mensheviks were for allowing the Kerensky government which had come to power following the overthrow of the Tsars in the 1917 February Revolution, through his brilliant April Thesis showed why should the Bolsheviks go for capture of political power, united the Bolsheviks around him, led the October Revolution to victory, formed the Soviet Union, and launched socialist transformation, breaking the chain of global imperialism.

Lenin explained Soviet Union as the base area of world revolution. Uniting the communists who upheld October Revolution, in 1919 he led the formation of the Third, or Communist International, calling for completing the socialist revolution in the imperialist countries and the People’s Democratic Revolution in the countries under colonization for completing the World proletarian Socialist Revolution. These great strides forward led by Lenin at a time when the social democracy was spreading frustration and renegacy, inspired the working class and all oppressed classes and sections to move forward challenging imperialism and its lackeys of all shades. The process of building communist parties around the world was taken up enthusiastically. This great victory was possible as Lenin could develop Marxism according to the new situation when capitalism had transformed to imperialism, study the concrete conditions of Tsarist Russia through many contributions including the “Development of Capitalism in Russia”, built the Bolshevik Party surrounded by class/mass organizations, politically preparing the working class from a “class in itself to a class for itself”, building the Soviets as the centers of people’s power, and taking the tactical moves according to fast changing situation. He was prepared to listen to others and was always ready develop his revolutionary perspective. As a result, he could give great contribution in every field always putting forward proletarian internationalism in the forefront.

It was the victory of the great October Revolution in the background of First World War, which instead of solving the question of re-division of the world, led to more antagonistic inter-imperialist contradictions, and in the background if intense economic crisis which later led to the great Depression, enabled Lenin to take lessons from them and to lead Soviet Union to launch socialist transformation making it capable to advance without affected by it actually broke out in 1930. In spite of the severe setbacks suffered by the socialist forces in the post Second World War period, Lenin’s teachings inspire us to surmount all difficulties and to march forward once again advancing the World proletarian Socialist Revolution. As Lenin taught us, in this ‘era of imperialism and proletarian revolution’, in spite of imperialism succeeds to shift all the burden of its repeated crisis, taking lessons from these, the working class and the oppressed people shall once again rise up in a mighty wave of revolutions, overthrowing imperialism and advancing socialism as the only alternative before the people.

Singrauli (MP): Reliance Thermal Plant’s Ash Tank Bursts, Kills Many, Destroys Agricultural Fields and Villages; Ambani Should Be Prosecuted

According to reports received from com. Urmila, CC member of CPI(ML) Red Star, alteast two villagers - a 35-year-old man and eight-year-old boy have died and four of their relatives are missing after a breach in an artificial pond that stores toxic residue from a coal power plant run by Reliance Power in Madhya Pradesh's Singrauli on 10th April evening. As she cannot move out due to lockdown, according to reports collected, two bodies of an eight-year-old boy and a 35-year-old man have been recovered from the ash slurry, and four more of their relatives are missing, besides two women in nearby hospital.  Crops in large area also been damaged. Photos and videos taken by the villagers on their mobile phones show a sea of sludge in the areas around the power plant, agricultural land. As there were many Adivasi houses in the area the real number of casualties and damage will be known later only. As police force has cordoned off the area, according to locals, it is difficult to go to the area.

Last year, protests were held by locals against the power plant in the area. Three months ago, when a protest against the danger of ash leak from Reliance Power Plant, the company had given written assurance before District Magistrate and the DM conducted check and assured that there won't be any mishap. Despite that nothing was done to strengthen the boundary walls, leading to this ash flow huge quantity of toxic materials. According to lawyers who had fought the case in front of the Central Green Tribunal, who also did not do anything, charging the CEO of the power plant for negligence is not sufficient, the district administration should be blamed for helping these power plant managements. Thousands of acres of land has been ruined, crops have been damaged.

This is the third such incident of ash leak in just last one year in Singrauli, earlier, the artificial pond near Essar plant and of the National Thermal Power Corporation Limited in the district, had breached causing heavy casualties and damaging surrounding vast areas. This is the third such incident in the last one year of breach in the artificial ponds of power plants in Singrauli, home to 10 coal-based power plants with a capacity of over 21,000 megawatt - the largest for one region. These plants have made Singrauli the second-most critically polluted industrial zone in the country after Ghaziabad, according to the Central Pollution Control Board.

"Singrauli is a critical zone in the country. Many directions have been passed in the past but no one seems to listen," she added. In August last year, after a similar breach in a power plant run by Essar, the company had alleged it was "a clear case of sabotage", an easy way to escape as it does in Balladilla, in Chhattisgarh. But an investigation by the state government found that the breach was due to "extreme carelessness by the company management" and held them responsible for a sub-standard boundary and not clearing waste material from the boundary. But the district administration neither checked the safety of these huge artificial ponds full of toxic materials, inside of the Union Carbide massacre in Bhopal, or the damages created by earlier such breaches.

Com, Urmila reminded how bitterly the local people of this Adivasi majority district had fought against building such a thermal power hub in the district, destroying vast forests, polluting the area and uprooting thousand of Adivasi families. What the party and AIRWO had pointed out along with various local organizations during those struggles are proved correct. Singrauli has become a killing field of corporate. So these corporate heads like Ambani should be prosecuted for this devastation

Covid19: PM Leaves Half the Population to Perish With Huger and Virus Under Lockdown

PM Modi’s address to nation was totally disappointing to the broad masses of people. If most of the state governments and the experts advised, he can extend the lockdown. But by 3rd May it will be 40 days of lockdown, preceded by 5 days of uncertainty when many private companies started closing down. Presently, the few millions of migrant workers who are Ganges symbolizes the misery of these people. They are abandoned by Modi to their fate. What about food, medicines and satisfactory shelter for the migrant workers?

PM Modi is telling a blatant lie when he repeats that even before the first case was detected in India, his government had made arrangements at all airports to screen, test and quarantine international passengers! In fact, though the WHO had warned from end of December, and the first Covid case was detected on 30th January in Kerala from among the Wuhan Covid cases now detected, are either those came during the period from abroad, those who came in to contact with them, or those who got in contact with these people. Modi is telling a lie to cover this serious lapse

At least 20 million migrant are held up in different stats and stranded on the road from 24th March. Neither proper arrangements for food, shelter or medi-care is given to them nor wages paid, nor any idea when they can expect transportation to their villages. Most of them are returning for the harvesting also. In the present situation many of them may die due to starvation and virus

WHO had repeatedly warned that lockdown alone cannot solve the problem. Screening, testing , quarantine of sizable number of people and proper treatment is also required. But compared to all other countries minimum tests have taken place, and still no arrangements are made to improve. Necessary safety gears, masks etc are still not available for all doctors, medical and para-medical staff etc. Procurement orders or efforts to locally manufacture them are still not made. Of course it is a fact that comparatively the number of patients and dead in India is less. But that alone cannot be a justification to cover p the serious lapses. After analyzing the situation we have put forward our proposals and demands to better the situation and to solve the people’s problems. Many others have also done so. But without taking the people or state committees in to consideration Modi is absolving his government from all responsibilities, except policing, following footsteps of Trump, in the real neoliberal style. We appeal to all progressive democratic forces concerned with the plight of vast masses of people to come forward and put pressure on Modi government to announce an appropriate economic package to save the people confronting the double threat of starvation and virus

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