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Resolution of solidarity of the Main Coordinator of ICOR with the workers of Scaw Metals in Vereeniging/South Africa

ICOR – Main Coordinator, 16 January 2020


Dear Colleagues of Scaw Metals, dear NUMSA,


on behalf of ICOR, the International Coordination of Revolutionary Parties and Organisations, I send you warm and militant greetings!

With full justice you fight against the attack of the Scaw-Capitalists on your labour contract, your wages and the hard won right to be organized in a union.

In times of the internationalized capitalist production, it is of uncompared value when workers organise their struggles and the mutual solidarity on an international level, too – against the division by the international competition of companies and monopolies.

The threat by Scaw Metals to dismiss NUMSA members is scandalous and an attack on the entire workers movement. But it is also a sign of their defensive position: because its your 100 percent unionisation rate in NUMSA, your experience and strength in the struggle which blocks the path for their plans. Divided the workers are nothing, united they become the superior force! This is what the 2. International Automotive Workers' Conference stands for as well. It will take place from 19.-23. February 2020 right where you live in Vereeniging. It is a great opportunity to share the experiences of these struggles across borders, and to organise the practical solidarity of automotive workers from all over the world with your struggle.

This is also what ICOR with its 56 member organisations on five continents represents.


We wish you success in your struggle!

Forward with international workers unity!


Monika Gärtner-Engel

Main Coordinator of ICOR

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