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You are here: Home / 2020 / Pictures from November 25, the day to eliminate violence against women in Turkey, Bakûr and Rojava:

Pictures from November 25, the day to eliminate violence against women in Turkey, Bakûr and Rojava:

MLKP Marksist Leninist Komünist Parti Türkiye / Kürdistan (Marxist Leninist Communist Party Turkey / Kurdistan), 25 November 2020


In numerous cities across Turkey and Kurdistan thousands of women staged demonstrations against patriarchal violence. Communist women were an active part of the mobilizations and strengthened the struggle for women's revolution which targets private property as the material basis of patriarchy. We present a small selection of the year's demonstrations which took place despite repression and pandemic:


 Thousands of women gathered on the evening of November 25 for a demonstration in Istanbul organized by the Platform for November 25. On the banner women wrote: "Our voice shall echo. We are on the streets for each other and rebel against the violence of the male state". The fascist police had to give up their attempt to block the demonstration after they encountered the protest of the women. Women carried the name tags and pictures of imprisoned representatives of the women's liberation struggle and of murdered women like Gülistan Doku, Nadira Kadirova and Ipek Er demanding accountability for femicides.

In Izmir, hundreds of women rallied against the patriarchal state following an appeal by the Women's Platform Izmir. The rally drew attention to the AKP's devastating earthquake policy, which is leaving the country in ruins. The women called for the fight for the observance of the Istanbul Convention and condemned the repression against the women's liberation struggle. The women, who are on the heels of the patriarchy, ended their rally with a theater performance and music.


Despite police repression, hundreds of women gathered in the fascist capital Ankara and called for the united struggle of women against the policy of impunity for violence against women, against the special war policy of the AKP in Kurdistan and reminded of the Mirabel sisters. Speeches emphasized the importance of Nevin Yildirim's self-defense action, the resistance of the Flormar workers, the enthusiasm of the LasTesis performances worldwide and the women's revolution in Rojava.



Following a call from the Dicle Women's Platform, hundreds of women gathered in Amed, Bakûr, declaring their rejection of a state that rejects women. The rally, which was surrounded by police, called for women to resist male and state violence and for women's self defense.


In several cities in northern and eastern Syria, women rallied against violence against women and called for the fight against the occupation attacks of the fascist Turkish state. In the demonstrations, in which the Revolutionary Communist Women (JKS) participated, the defense of the Rojava Revolution with all its achievements was declared the main task of the women.



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