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Letter of solidarity to the striking automotive workers in Belarus

International Coordinating Group of International Automotive Workers Coordination, Coordinators of ICOG, 27 August 2020


Dear colleagues and comrades,

in our solidarity declaration worldwide distributed on 30 August, 2020 we wrote: "We propose to you a solidarity pact of mutual support. Within the framework of this pact, we could make your struggle widely known and, for example, organize mutual visits. The workers must stick together internationally. United we are an invincible force. Please inform us about the further course of your struggle and tell us what you think about the idea of the solidarity pact." 

On the background of the current development in Belarus we would like to confirm our proposal and ask you to further distribute this proposal itself. Please give us an early feedback and an update from your side.

Solidary greetings

International Coordinating Group of International Automotive Workers Coordination


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