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Letter of protest at King's College Greece for Percy

ICOR, European Continental Committee, April 20, 2020


To the management of King's College


Dear Sirs,


We have received knowledge of Percy's scandalous release. He has justifiably refused to participate in a training session where a safe distance between the partcipants was not possible. We have gained the impression that his dismissal is for political reasons, as his union activities are apparently not approved by management.

In the trade unions and international labour movement, the principle of "One for all and all for one!” In the ICOR there are 58 revolutionary organizations united worldwide, in Europe 26. We will make the scandalous dismissal of Percy widely known.

We call upon you to reinstate Percy immediately.


With kind regards


Jeroen Toussaint and Joachim Griesbaum

(Coordinators of ICOR Europe)

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