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Komsomol celebration of Victory Day on May 9, 2020 in the Krasnoyarsk Territory

Oleg Kolesnikov Komsomol of the Krasnoyarsk Territory, May 2020


On May 9, 2020, the Komsomol of the Krasnoyarsk Territory, under the difficult conditions of the coronavirus epidemic, held a series of single political pickets and congratulations on the Victory Day of the USSR in the Great Patriotic War. Despite the ban on public events, Komsomol members held a series of single pickets in the form of soldiers of the Soviet Red Army with unfolded red flags.

The population, passers-by, with great pleasure and pleasant words accepted the congratulation on Victory Day, for the most part people understand that it was the Soviet soldier of the red army who liberated the world from the fascist threat and brought peace to the peoples of Europe. Komsomol members visited the monuments of the Red Army wars that fell on the war fields, rear workers, the Victory Memorial in the cities of the Krasnoyarsk Territory, climbed the mountains near the Yenisei River, where they deployed a red flag, which was visible for several kilometers around. The Komsomol of the Krasnoyarsk Territory remembers and honors the feat of the Soviet soldier and home front workers who brought the victory of the USSR in World War II. We are sure that rewriting the history of the Second World War, which some unscrupulous countries are trying to do now, will fail and in the eyes and historical memory of all mankind it is the USSR that will remain the main winner in the confrontation with the fascist regimes.


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