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Invitation Letter

ILPS and ICOR, 30 December 2019


Dear comrades and friends in the entire world,

We are inviting you to become part of a new global alliance:
The Anti-Imperialist Anti-Fascist United Front (AIAFUF), or simply United Front.

This initiative comes at an important moment in recent world history. The people of the world, especially the proletariat and other toiling masses and oppressed peoples, are struggling vigorously and are building a powerful worldwide anti-imperialist unified front.

The Front will provide a place to act together, discuss, exchange and deepen our mutual understanding and analysis of world issues and the anti-imperialist struggle.

Attached to this letter are the Call and Rules of the AIAFUF. These have been developed through months of discussions and exchanges between the International Coordination of Revolutionary Parties and Organizations (ICOR) and the International League of Peoples’ Struggle (ILPS), two international anti-imperialist formations.

Your feedback, improvements and questions on the Call and Rules are of course very welcome. Yet time is of the essence.

To this end the initiators, ICOR and ILPS, request that international formations, national organizations and individuals inform the Provisional Consultative Committee (set up by ICOR and ILPS) before March 31, 2020 if you would like to be part of this great endeavor.

Contact any member of the ILPS and/or the ICOR and also the Provisional Committee via the form on the website of the ILPS ( or return the completed form below via email to

The Front will be launched before the end of June 2020.

Warmest solidarity and revolutionary regards,

Issued by:


You can register on-line with the form provided on the website of the ILPS ( or return this email after completing the form below to


Dear Provisional Consultative Committee of the Anti-imperialist Anti-fascist United Front (AIAFUF),

1. _______________________________ agrees to be part of the AIAFUF.

a. (Contact name (if organization):

b. Postal address:

c. Phone number(s) (include country code):

d. email(s):

e. website:

f. are you an international organization___, national___, subnational___, individual___ (please check one)

(Please provide as much information as possible so the Committee can be back in touch)

2. If the above named entity is an international formation, would it like to be part of the Consultative Committee?

a. YES _____

b. NO _____


3. Comments and suggestions: 250 words maximum

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