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Greetings of the MLPD on the occasion of the tenth anniversary of the ICOR

Marxist-Leninist Party of Germany, Peter Weispfenning, October 2020

Dear comrades,

On behalf of our party chairwoman, Gabi Fechtner, I convey the warm greetings of the Marxist-Leninist Party of Germany (MLPD) to all ICOR member organizations, friends and comrades all over the world!

When you see how the ICOR is represented today on all continents and already has more than 60 member organizations, this is certainly one of the most important proofs that the international Marxist-Leninist and working-class movement has successfully passed the valley of decline.

The revisionist degeneration of the former socialist countries had led to this.

Today it is clearly in a phase of reconstruction, gaining in vitality and attraction. It is growing and uniting its forces internationally.

When it was founded, the ICOR had resolved to accelerate the development of the subjective preconditions of an international revolutionary liberation struggle to overcome imperialism.

There have been very important advances in the international coordination of revolutionary parties and organizations, on which we warmly congratulate all those involved.

We are facing gigantic opportunities and challenges. We are witnessing an accelerated tendency toward a general societal crisis of the imperialist world system.

In a sharp social polarization, the masses are increasingly searching for a societal alternative.

But the revolutionary and Marxist-Leninist organizations in the world are still too weak.
Systematically, the ruling powers spread confusion among the masses, especially with anticommunism.

In order for the great revolutionary potential of the international Marxist-Leninist and working-class movement to come to fruition, we must increase our efforts for international unification in the ICOR and systematically and unwaveringly advance with Marxist-Leninist and revolutionary party building and combine this with promoting the self-run organizations of the masses.

Let us intensify our efforts to spread scientific socialism among the working class, women and youth and to organize systematic consciousness building against the prevailing ideological confusion.

In Germany, we are making good experiences with the movement "Don't give anticommunism a chance!" One of its first activities was the erection of the first Lenin statue in West Germany, which received international media coverage and supporters all over the world.

Therefore, here today at the statue of Lenin, our warmest greetings in the spirit of Lenin:

Forward to international socialist revolution!

Forward with the ICOR!


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