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Greetings for 10th ICOR birthday

BP (NK-T) Bolşevik Parti (Kuzey Kürdistan-Türkiye) (Bolshevik Party (North Kurdistan-Turkey)), 08. October 2020


Dear Comrades,

We and all ICOR members from different countries are happy about the tenth anniversary of our common international organization.

We see in ICOR an important instrument of approachment of the revolutionary organizations from different countries, an instrument of unification of the international anti-fascist-anti-imperialist struggles in practice, an instrument of international solidarity and last but not least an instrument of open, public debate among the revolutionary organizations in order to advance to a higher form of unity.

The rules of the ICOR for membership are deliberately kept in such a way that all revolutionary forces can participate in this organization. The fact that these rules have not been observed in a concrete case is in our opinion a flaw in this ten-year practice of the ICOR and should be corrected. We hope that such mistakes will not be repeated in the future.

Long live the fight for freedom, democracy and socialism!

Long live ICOR!

Long live international solidarity!



CC of the BP(NK/T) i.A.


[Translated with (free version))

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