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Full solidarity with strikers from the TNT/FedEx camp of Peschiera Borromeo

ICOR, European Continental Committee, 16 July 2020






Dear friends,


we have learned of the police operation on the night of June 9th, during which pickets at the TNT / FedEx camp of Peschiera Borromeo were violently attacked. We are outraged by this arbitrary measure and criminalization of workers' struggles. Already on 6 May, the police launched a military attack on striking workers at TNT / FesEx camp, with 11 armoured vans and almost 200 police and carabinieri entering the camp to oust the striking workers. This intimidation did not achieve the desired effect!

On behalf of ICOR Europe (European Coordination) we express our full solidarity to you, the colleagues and the trade union. The police action makes it clear that the Italian state - as we also know it from many European governments - provides direct support for entrepreneurial interests, against the working class and especially against migrant workers.

The ICOR is a worldwide association of about 60 organizations and parties. The ICOR was founded in 2010. ICOR member organizations combine their national activities with transnational coordination, provide practical help in the Corona crisis, the organization of strikes and mass protests against the shifting of the burden of the crisis in the world economic and financial crisis. And an educational work on the imperialist world system combined with the initiative to create the worldwide united front against imperialism.

Inform us about the further development, so that we can continue to organise active solidarity.


Solidary and fighting greetings

European Coordinators ICOR

Jeroen Toussaint and Joachim Griesbaum


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