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Current report on the Corona Pandemic and the protests in Morocco

MMLPL Moroccan Marxist-Leninist Proletarian Line, 11/Nov/2020


In our country, there are exciting developments in the indicators of Covid19, so as of yesterday, Thursday, October 29, the number of confirmed cases within 24 hours reached 212,038 people, while the number of deaths due to the epidemic reached 35722.


The two large industrial labour cities, Casablanca and Tangiers, are the most recorded injuries, especially in Central The working class due to the weakness of the protective structures and the social divergence in the production units. There are about ten cities that cannot be moved into or out of them unless after obtaining a special official permit after providing a strong justification for the visit. It seems that Morocco will soon announce a new quarantine, as its health infrastructure is unable to absorb the number of people infected with Covid19 and provide treatment for other patients at the same time.


The economic crisis and the health crisis turned all previous perceptions among the public upside down. It appeared through its escalating denunciation of the hegemonic behaviour of the bourgeois minority that accumulated wealth through the practice of exploitation and oppression against the working masses for the past sixty years without improving their conditions and at the same time they worked to destroy various public services such as health Education and social infrastructure, and even food security and the possibility of providing treatment and medicine without resorting to import from abroad, at a time when all countries are experiencing crises of the same kind. Everyone has noted the absence of a "democratic state at the service of the popular masses", but only a “military police apparatus” that only serves the aims and interests of the ruling bourgeoisie.


This public anger, which is manifested in the many protests, strikes, and marches of poor peasants, has consecrated the wide layoffs of workers, the absence of public facilities, the scarcity of drinking water and irrigation water for subsistence farming in remote villages, because the capitalist farm estates drained the water supply to irrigate unique products for export.


Also, the general budget, which is the only political tool that is still in the government’s hands, is not used to fill the shortfall because the government is linked to the programs of the International Monetary Fund and the World Bank and where it cannot exceed a certain level of spending to take care of public utilities or to guarantee food sovereignty to provide for the necessary needs.


The daily strikes and protests pervade the various sectors, such as the education sector, which has been exposed to fragility, as teachers are employed by temporary contracts with duration of no more than two years, which made this sector known the largest strikes and confrontations with the forces of repression. Many workers in a number of different sectors also continue to be subjected to mass layoffs due to their union activities.


Since the beginning of the Covid-19 crisis, 25 million people have applied to claim support due to vulnerability and poverty, out of a total of 34 million Moroccans. And where the distribution of subsidies is selective, Weak and it goes especially to the capitalist companies.


The economic crisis is reflected in the crisis of supply of goods and production due to the almost complete halt of all production vehicles and the resulting exacerbation of inequality in the already dysfunctional production relations, and the crisis is also manifested in the crisis of demand and the decline in consumption due to the deterioration of incomes and layoffs, which is reflected in the collapse of the rate of capital profit and where it feeds The interaction between the two crises, the government's unpopular policies to save what cannot be saved.


The most important lesson we draw today from this crisis is that there is no alternative to socialism and communist collective life of solidarity, and that the privatization of life, production and wealth for the benefit of ruling minorities can only lead to barbarism and major collapses.


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