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Anti-Rape Protests: Demand for justice gets louder

Bangladesh, 11 October 2020


An ordinary road blockade started in Dhaka 7 days ago (5th October) by Bangladesh Students' Union (BSU) against continued rape and violence against women. Now it has spread all over the country. 


29 September: President of BSU Dhaka city Jahar Lal Roy and one of the leaders of the organization Sadat Mahmood were arrested when they were painted  some anti rape graffiti and beaten at the police station very severely and sent to hospital.
4 October: BSU  march towards the home ministry

5 October: Started sit on stage Movement at Shahbag, Dhaka

6 October: Black flag rally towards prime minister's office
severe police attack happened

The 9 point demands are:


# Exemplary punishment of those involved in continuous incidents of rapes and violence against women across Bangladesh. The home minister must resign for his “failure” to stop rape and torture of women.

# Sexual and social violence against women of ethnic minorities in the hilly areas and other parts of the country by the military and civilians must stop.

# All government and private offices, and educational institutions must constitute cells to prevent sexual harassment of women following High Court orders. The government must implement the Convention on the Elimination of all Forms of Discrimination Against Women or CEDAW fully. It must also abolish the laws and practice that grow inequality toward women.

# Speeches against women in programmes, including religious ones, must be declared a punishable offence. Women cannot be presented as a product in literature, drama, cinema and advertisements. BTCL must play an effective role in controlling pornography. The government will have to sponsor healthy cultural practices.

# Mental harassment of victims during investigations must stop. Their legal and social security must be ensured.

# Crime and gender experts must be included in Women and Children Repression Prevention Tribunals. More tribunals must be formed for quick disposal of cases.

# Section 155 (4) of the Evidence Act of 1872 that involves impeaching credit of witnesses must be abolished. The DNA Act must be made effective for recognition of evidence to prove charges.

# Articles, essays, chapters, images, instructions and choice of word that are defamatory or based on inequality towards women must be avoided in textbooks.

# The efforts to conceal rape incidents through arbitration must be declared punishable offence.

Anik Roy, general secretary of Students’ Union, said they will launch a march towards Noakhali’s Begumganj, where a woman was assaulted recently, if their demands are not met within Oct 16.

Until then, the protesters will stage sit-in outside the museum at 4pm.

Only two incident with in hundreds: most of them by Rulling party men

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