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A sphere for support and organization and a space for theoretical political discussion

Paraguayan Communist Party (independent), Partido Comunista Paraguayo (independiente) PCP (independiente), 2 October 2020


We send a warm greeting to all comrades of the ICOR especially to the founders for the important merit of having decided on the formation of such an important organization, as the ICOR is especially for its world-wide perspective, for all peoples and organizations fighting for the most diverse reasons: from efforts to defend and achieve immediate democratic changes with a view to a democratic uprising, for efforts with broader motives of national liberation, for independence; and, above all, without losing sight of the maximum objective which is to advance toward socialism, toward the seizure of power by the peoples, to the elimination of the face of the earth from the imperialist system of production.

The PCP (independent) accompanies with renewed energy and great satisfaction this memorable date which is the commemoration of the tenth anniversary to which you invite us to participate.

We find very satisfactory the fact that in the ICOR there is an appropriate sphere both for the support and organization of decisive acts in pursuit of the above-mentioned objectives and others, and a good space for immediate, theoretical political discussion.

We are sure that if the efforts to critically analyze the current situation are deepened, especially at this time when humanity is appealing to its own existence, influenced by the forms of production that have so far evolved much more slowly than the evolution of the universe itself has done.

Long live the great ICOR and all those who support the central thinking of the organization!
Long live the women and men who make daily efforts to advance the central purpose of achieving for humanity, forever, socialism and communism!

PCP (independent)
Claudio, Saul and Jose

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