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14th November: International Day of Struggle for Protecting the Environment

Media Statement of the (NDMLP) New Democratic Marxist Leninist Party, Sri Lanka, 12/Nov/2020


ICOR, a union of International Revolutionary Parties and Organizations has declared 14th November of each year as the International day of Struggle for Protecting the Environment and conducts a variety of activities and struggles in connection with it. ICOR brings together more than sixty revolutionary parties and organizations from the five continents, including the New Democratic Marxist Leninist Party of Sri Lanka.


The global economic and financial crisis, together with the crises poverty, unemployment, hunger and starvation, COVID-19 and the environmental crisis have a harsh impact on the countries and people of the world. Besides tens of millions of people being subject to the above crises, hundreds of thousands are dying as a result. The basic cause for all of these is the plundering of natural resources and wrecking of the environment by multi-national companies and big business in order to feed their hunger for profit. Natural resources of the country, including land, water, air, sky, sea and forests are subjected to capitalist exploitation and super-profit. As a result, the equilibrium of nature has been destabilized, leading to global warming and other disasters. All resources bequeathed to humanity by nature have fallen prey to the damned capitalist greed for profit. As a result, humanity faces cruel diseases. The COVOD-19 pandemic is a creation of capitalism. Capitalism, which has inflicted great disasters upon countries and people, is a dangerous entity that is an enemy of humanity. Under the conditions, it is not capitalism that can rescue humanity but socialism alone. It is by achieving socialism that humanity can benefit and be protected through the use and protection of natural resources in ways that stabilize the balance of nature.


Therefore, let the working people of this country and the world over, on this 14th November, the International day of Struggle for Protecting the Environment, unite with revolutionary forces to carry forward the struggle to protecting the natural environment.


SK Senthivel

General Secretary

New Democratic Marxist Leninist Party


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