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USA – on International Climate Strike Day on 20 September

USA, 21 September 2019:


Demonstrations and activities took place in all 50 states. The largest was in New York City with 250 000 participants. They marched to the UN. The city's 1.1 million students were allowed to be absent from school if their parents excused them. Greta Thunberg spoke at the rally: “Our house is on fire ... Our future is being sold for profit... If you belong to the small group of people who feel threatened by us, then I have bad news for you. Because this is only the beginning. Change will come, whether you like it or not ...“

On Friday, 20 September, there was a strike of hundreds of employees at the Amazon headquarters in Seattle. They demanded more measures for climate protection by management. In the previous week they had also succeeded in getting Amazon to order 100 000 electric delivery trucks. They demanded that Amazon stops support for fossil fuel companies and to stop giving donations to politicians and groups that resist climate protection action. People in Houston, Texas, that had been hit by a hurricane, carried a banner: “Our streets are flooded and we are flooding the streets.“ Ten thousands took to the street in San Francisco. (from:

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