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Trump government, Hands off VENEZUELA and COREA!

Spokesperson Office of People's Democracy Party, May 5th, 2019


1. “The military coup show”, had committed by Trump government which had pulled strings of Guido, failed completely.

Venezuelan president Maduro declared he defeated “coup attempts of traitors who sell themselves to the dollars from Washington.” The problem is that Trump government has continually plotted to overthrow legitimate Maduro regime and has schemed a war. On 1st, US Secretary of State Pompeo showed imperialistic intention of the US clearly by saying, “Military action is possible. That’s what the US will do,” and recklessly remarked that “We’d prefer a peaceful transition of government there where Maduro leaves and a new election is held.”

2. As the US media stated, Trump government has tried to subvert constitutional Maduro government somehow by sponsoring enormous dollars for Guaido. The US has seriously put pressure on Venezuela politically and militarily and has carried out economic blockade since the former president Hugo Chavez. What is the purpose of the US which try to collapse Venezuela people’s regime by sponsoring enormous dollars to Guaido? Trump government’s real intention to exploit and oppress Venezuelan people by establishing a pro-US subjugated regime establishment is proved everyday by their blatant interfering in domestic affairs and pulling wires.

3. Recently, Trump government made not only the reckless remarks such as “change paths” about Corean issues and “the military intervention” on Venezuela, but also rash behaviors like trying to split our nation by using the Liberty Korea Party and “the military coup show” by using Guaido. It shows that Trump government’s atrocities of imperialistic interfering on other countries are taking place worldwidely including Corea and Venezuela. We most strongly condemn the aggressive schemes by US imperialists, and fully support the legitimate and democratic Maduro regime, the people’s regime, which struggle against the schemes. The Corean and the Venezuelan people will unite in the Anti-US and Anti-Imperialism joint action, and will undoubtedly win on the battle against the US imperialism, and the battle against the running dogs of the US.

May 5th, 2019

In front of the White House in Washington DC

Spokesperson Office of People's Democracy Party

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