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Resolution on Kashmir

ICOR, CCC Asia, 9.9.19


We condemn the recent actions of the Indian Government on Kashmir. The act of amending Article 370 of the Constitution of India in such a manner so as to remove the special status of Kashmir is a fraud on the Indian Constitution and on all the democratic people of India. We assert once again the right of the people of Kashmir, as a part of the right of self determination, to decide their own future. We demand that a free and fair plebiscite be held immediately to allow the people of Kashmir to decide whether they want to be with India or with Pakistan or independent. We demand that the oppressive military presence in Kashmir be immediately removed. It is shameful that millions of people are being kept in a position as if in a vast open air jail. Phone communication and internet must be immediately restored to allow the people or Kashmir to live a normal life. We call upon all democratic minded people all over the world to bring pressure on the Indian Government for this.

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