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Letters of Condolence for Ibrahim, Ranjbaran (updated)

ICOR, March 9, 2019

Marxist-Leninist Organization of Afghanistan (MLOA):
Condolence Message to the Iranian Ranjbaran Party

Dear comrades,

Hereby, we would like to convey the heartfelt condolences of the leadership and all members of our organization to the leadership and members of your party and his mournful family on the occasion of comrade K. Ibrahim’s death, as well.

In addition to the ideological and ideal common grounds, members of our organization have become more familiar with comrade K. Ibrahim through his writings. To the best of our knowledge, K. Ibrahim participation along the revolutionary course full of the ups and downs for many years, as a Marxist-Leninist distinguished figure of your party's leadership in the ideological and liberation struggles towards materializing the ideal of socialism and an author and analyst.

The death of comrade K. Ibrahim is a huge loss to your party and the people of Iran, and to the revolutionary struggle and the liberation of the millions of oppressed people in Iran, and we felt pain and grief because of his death.

Communist revolutionary ideals are common. Undoubtedly, the revolutionary memories and aspirations of the Comrade K. Ibrahim is alive in the continuation of his struggle to realize these aspirations by the members of your party, other revolutionaries of Iran and the communists and revolutionaries of other countries!

We keep the glorious memories of this fallen comrade!

Representative for Internationalist Affairs:

Marxist-Leninist Organization of Afghanistan (MLOA)

March 08, 2019


New Democratic Marxist Leninist Party, NDMLP, Sri Lanka

Members of the Politburo/Secretariat

Ranjbaran (Proletarian Party of Iran)

Dear Comrades,

We in the New Democratic Marxist Leninist Party of Sri Lanka are sad to learn of the death in late February of Comrade Ibrahim Founder Chairman of Ranjbaran/Iran since the beginning of the 1980s.

I offer on behalf of the NDMLP our revolutionary salutations to the late Comrade Ibrahim and our deepest sympathies to his family and comrades.

His dedication and unswerving loyalty to the socialist cause, proletarian revolution and the working class and his leading role in building the revolutionary party of Iran together with other comrades are memorable, especially in the context of the brutal dictatorial monarchy of Mohammad Reza Pahlavi.

Comrade Ibrahim, although forced to live in exile after seizure of power by the Islamic regime which has persecuted all opposition, the Left in particular, has been firm in his policies and kept alive the struggle for socialism and people’s democracy in Iran.

We, while sharing the deep sorrow of the family, friends and comrades of Comrade Ibrahim, are also confident that the exemplary leadership of Comrade Ibrahim will continue to guide Ranjbaran in its revolutionary course, even after his passage.


SK Senthivel

General Secretary, New Democratic Marxist Leninist Party


CPSA-ML - Letter of condolence to the death of comrade Ibrahim

We, the CPSA(M-L), we shocked to hear the unfortunate death of comrade Ibraham the chairman of Ranjbaran of Iran, the committed comrade to the revolutionary change of the imperialist world system and his party was the founder of Icor.

We are happy to hear that Icor has sent the deepest sympathy of all Icor member countries.

March 6, 2019


CPK Communist Party of Kenia on the death of comrade Ibrahim

It is sad to lose a comrade who has made such sacrifices for the emancipation of the working class and the masses of the world in general. We stand with this message of condolence, we stand with the proletarian Party of Iran, and we stand with his family.

Wachira - Communist Party of Kenya

March 6, 2019

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