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FIR registered against 11 protestors in Azad Kashmir

By Dr Amjad Ayub Mirza, Friends of ICOR Scotland, September 16, 2019


An FIR (first information report) has been registered against 11 young men most of whom are students for the ‘crime’ of chanting slogans against Pakistani occupation of the large part of the State of Jammu Kashmir including Gilgit Baltistan. These young men of courage made their way to the front of the rally that Pakistani Prime minister Imran Khan was addressing.  Mr Khan looked bamboozled when suddenly protestor raised the following slogans Go Niazi Go! and Freedom is what we want!

So after most of these protestors we arrested and their houses raided. The operation continued for 48 hours. Daily Lalkar and JKTV an independent TV network can now confirm that an FIR has been lodged against 11 protestors. As Daily Lalkar reported last week Azad Kashmir has risen in revolt against the Pakistani and the local government. This spat of mass uprising is a direct result of the failure of the above mention governments to muster up any support against the decision of the Indian parliament which has resulted in the abrogation of the Article 370 and 35-A that guaranteed special status to the Himalayan state.

Pakistan attacked the independent and sovereign state of Jammu Kashmir on 22 October 1947 forcing the then Monarch of the state to sign an instrument of accession with India. This allowed India to send in troops to push the infiltrators and the regular Pakistan army back and secure most of the territory. However the UN Security Council  was obliged to order a cease fire in response to complaint file by the then Indian Prime Minister Jawahar Lal Nehru. Thus the Pakistan army was not throughly defeated and they took over the control of the territory west of Jammu and renamed it Azad Jammu Kashmir. During this period the Pakistan government with the facilitation of the the British commander of the Gilgit Scots engineered a coup and took over the control of the northern most part of the state known as Gilgit Baltistan.

Although the UN had asked Pakistan to pull out all of its troops the Islamic fundamentalist state has failed to comply. This has brought about a great mass sentiment of resentment that has now manifest itself in the open. However, this uprising has a head-less-chicken-like leadership which is unable to transform mass anger into a popular revolution against the regime in Azad Kashmir that could take over Muzafarabad, the capital, form a revolutionary government and enter into direct negotiations with the government of India. Time is running out for a decisive battle for the freedom of the people of ‘Azad’ Kashmir and Gilgit Baltistan from the clutches of the most dangerous state in the world.

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