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You are here: Home / 2018 / Worldwide active resistance against the attacks of the imperialist rulers of the world upon humanity and nature – for saving the natural environment from profit economy!

Worldwide active resistance against the attacks of the imperialist rulers of the world upon humanity and nature – for saving the natural environment from profit economy!

ICOR, ICC, Call for the day of the environmental campaign, 12 November 2018


The UN Climate Conference will meet from 3 to 14 December in Katowice, Poland. Despite the 23 world climate conferences that have been held in the meantime, humanity is drifting towards a global environmental catastrophe because of the imperialist mode of production. The existential foundations of humanity in general are so being called into question. In 2018 again, there were partly deadly periods of heat and drought in the entire world, increasing forest fires, heavy rainfalls, floods, as well as record-breaking storms.

In the course of the intensification of the inter-imperialist contradictions and a tendency towards imperialist war preparations, measures for environmental protection are being cut back drastically for the spheres of power and influence and the profits of international finance capital, and the attacks upon humanity and nature are being accelerated. The ruling powers spread the misleading impression that the masses only have the choice between the instigator Trump and the seemingly “more moderate imperialists“. It is social-chauvinism to rely on one or the other imperialist, or on one or the other corporation, in the question of peace, the environment or jobs, or even allow oneself to be used by them.


The ICOR (International Coordination of Revolutionary Parties and Organizations) calls up to, promotes and supports conducting a joint day of struggle to save the natural environment in the entire world with militant manifestations, rallies and activities on the 8th of December.

The environmental movement needs the militant worldwide union of the workers, peasants, women, youth and indigenous people and the interpenetration of active resistance to save the natural environment with the struggle against imperialist wars, exploitation and oppression. The construction of an international united front against imperialism and war, against environmental destruction is the order of the day.

Decisive and immediate measures are necessary! A change in paradigm in the mode of production, of consumption and the way of life, with the unity of humanity and nature as guideline, require the revolutionary overcoming of imperialism/capitalism with the perspective of a liberated socialist society.

Organize and participate in the worldwide environmental day of struggle to save the environment from profit economy on the 8th of December!

Strengthen the ICOR and its member organizations!

Become Friends of the ICOR!


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