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VW-Colleagues to the Workers of Shenzen

VW-colleagues, Hanover, 24. August 2018


Dear colleagues,

We VW employees from Hanover at the other end of the world have heard about your protests. We held a meeting in the break and we support you.

The right to form free unions should be taken for granted in the world, but it is not. At VW too, this first had to be achieved by our fathers in struggle. And until today, this is not the case everywhere in Germany. Some of us used to work in companies in which works council and trade unions were obstructed. Or, for example, the pilots of Ryanair are on strike in Europe for the acceptance of their union. This is the only way that we can oppose arbitrary action with regard to wages, working time and dismissal protection.

Your resistance deserves our greatest respect, also because you are struggling courageously for our human right in spite of tremendous repression, even against your families. We wish you strength to continue your struggle.

All people must be released immediately and be reinstated!

With many greetings from 15 colleagues of the vehicle assembly line T6 at VW Hanover


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