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Update on Afrin

ICOR Main Coordinator, 19 March 2019


Dear ICOR organizations, dear “Friends of ICOR“,

the events of the last days have once again tremendously increased the importance of the day of action by ICOR and ILPS on 21 March with a clear antiimperialist thrust . For two months the Kurdish population under the leadership of SDF, a union of Kurdish, Arab and Christian organizations for which YPG/YPJ provide the main contingent, has been carrying out a heroic struggle to defend Afrîn against Turkey's brutal, fascist war of aggression, contrary to international law against the struggle for freedom and democracy. However, in order to secure the life of the population, yesterday, 18 March 2018, the city of Afrîn was evacuated and the SDF has gone on to guerrilla warfare. With more than 800 fighters they had very heavy losses. More than 500 civilians have been murdered.

All imperialist forces are supporting the aggression of the Turkish fascist regime. Russia has the sovereignty over the airspace and refuses to close down the airspace over Afrîn. US imperialism is the main warmonger and withdrew its troops. Although the EU hypocritically issued a declaration, the German imperialism has unimpededly continued its arms deliveries after the invasion.

The only ally of the struggle for freedom and democracy is the international solidarity, the proletarian internationalism, the international working-class movement and revolutionary movement. 

Now the worldwide day of action of ICOR and ILPS must become an unmistakable act of proletarian internationalism.

Participate all the more in 21 March – Newroz day. Please, send declarations of solidarity, short reports, greetings messages or photos immediately.

“Afrîn will live!”


With revolutionary greetings

Monika Gärtner-Engel,

Main Coordinator

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