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To all ICOR Organizations: urgent call for solidarity with Turgut Kaya

Monika Gärtner-Engel - ICOR Main Coordinator, 1 June 2018

Dear comrades,

from today on, the activist and Journalist Turgut Kaya is in hunger strike in Athens because he is threatened with extradition to Turkey, which would endanger his life.

As Main Coordinator of ICOR, I severely condemn his threatening extradition from Greece to Turkey.

Turgut Kaya, as a fighter for democracy and freedom, is a thorn in the side for the fascist Erdogan regime. It would be a novelty and a breach of taboo, if a country calling itself democratic like Greece extradited such an activist to Turkey. The democratic and revolutionary organizations of the world need fighters, activists and communists in freedom!

Thus, I call every ICOR organization to organize solidarity according to their possibilities.

Please send declarations of solidarity to the ICOR Office and: and

Monika Gärtner-Engel

ICOR Main Coordinator



Friends, comrades;

Today, in the Greek court, it was decided to process extradite to the fascist Turkish state. The decision is meaningful in the sense of showing how reactionary states become partners when it comes to negotiation. Because the same court decided not to extradite the Turkish officers who organised the fascist coup. This shows how the reactionary states collaborate when the revolutionaries and communists are concerned. Two classes, two enemy camps continue to fight. I was arrested in Greece, as a revolutionary man. It should not be believed to be consciously informed by some outside circles. These news reports serve reactionary and enemy. It is not beneficial to our class and our people.

Currently I am in the danger of being extradite to the fascist Turkish state by the Greek state.

The internationalist solidarity shown in this process is very meaningful and precious.

I have been thankful to the comrades and all the revolutionary friends for their solidarity. I am sending my revolutionary greetings to everybody. The struggle continues uninterruptedly as the matter is in its thousands of years of movement. As a matter of fact, this process has evolved into a different struggle. At the moment

the extradite process is in the Greek Ministry of Justice.I would like everyone to know that I will start the hunger strike from tomorrow in order to stop the process of extradition of the reactionary states to the co-operative and dirty negotiations against the fascist Turkish state and to be released immediately. Long Live Internationalist Solidarity. 

With my revolutionary greetings.

Turgut Kaya, 




Liebe Freundinnen und Freunde, liebe Genossinnen und Genossen,

das heutige Gericht hat entschieden, mich an die faschistische türkische Regierung auszuliefern. Diese Entscheidung zeigt deutlich, dass, wenn es um die gemeinsamen Interessen der Reaktion geht, sie sich zusammenschließen können. Denn dasselbe Gericht hatte zuvor beschlossen, die faschistischen türkischen Soldaten, die mitunter für den misslungenen Putsch verantwortlich sind, nicht auszuliefern. Und dies zeigt, dass, wenn es um RevolutionärInnen und KommunistInnen geht, sich die Reaktionären zusammenschließen können.  Die zwei Klassen – die zwei Feinde führen den Kampf weiter.

Ich wurde in Griechenland festgenommen, wo ich mich mit meiner revolutionären Identität befand. Außerdem sollten Nachrichten, die von gewissen Kreisen verfasst worden sind, keine Achtung gezeigt werden. Diese Art von Nachrichten spielt der Reaktion und dem Feind in die Hände. Sie sind nicht zum Nutzen unserer Klasse und unseres Volkes.

Momentan sehe ich mich der Gefahr ausgesetzt, vonseiten der griechischen Regierung an die faschistische türkische Regierung ausgeliefert zu werden. Die internationale revolutionäre Solidarität, die in dieser Zeit gezeigt wurde, ist sehr wertvoll und von großer Bedeutung. Ich bin allen GenossInnen und revolutionären FreundInnen für ihre Solidarität, die sie in dieser Zeit gezeigt haben, dankbar. Ich möchte allen meine revolutionären Grüße übersenden.

So wie es in der Materie der tausendjährigen Bewegung ist, wird der Kampf ohne Unterbrechungen fortgesetzt werden. So erreicht der Kampf in dieser Zeit eine neue Phase. Momentan befindet sich die Entscheidung über die Auslieferung beim griechischen Justizministerium. Ich möchte hiermit mitteilen, dass ich gegen die dreckige Zusammenarbeit der reaktionären Regierungen und für meine sofortige Freilassung ab morgen in den Hungerstreik trete.

Hoch die internationale Solidarität!

Mit revolutionären Grüßen,

Turgut Kaya




Dostlar, yoldaşlar;

Bugün görülen davada Yunan mahkemesi tarafından faşist Türk devletine iade edilmem yönünde karar verildi. Bu karar gericiliğin kendi çıkarları söz konusu olduğunda nasıl ortaklaşabildiğini göstermesi açısından an anlamlıdır . Çünkü aynı mahkeme faşist darbeci Türk subaylarını iade etmeme kararı vermişti. Bu karar da gösteriyor ki söz konusu i komünistler olduğunda gericiler ortaklaşmaktadır. İki sınıf, iki düşman kamp mücadeleye devam etmektedir.

Devrimci kimliğimle bulunduğum Yunanistan'da tutuklandım. Bunun dışında kimi çevreler tarafından bilinçli olarak yapılan haberlere itibar edilmemelidir. Bu türden haberler gericiliğe ve düşmana hizmet etmektedir. Sınıfımızın ve halkımızın yararına değildir .

Şu anda Yunan devleti tarafından faşist Türk devletine iade edilme tehlikesiyle karşı karşıyayım. Bu süreçte gösterilmiş olan enternasyonalist devrimci dayanışma çok anlamlı ve kıymetlidir. Bütün yoldaşlara ve devrimci dostlara süreçte göstermiş oldukları dayanışma için müteşekkirim. Herkese devrimci selamlarımı iletiyorum.

Maddenin binlerce yıllık hareketinde olduğu gibi mücadele de kesintisizce sürmektedir. Nitekim bu süreçte mücadele bir başka aşamaya evrilmiş durumdadır. Şu anda iade süreci Yunanistan Adalet Bakanlığı'ndadır. Gerici devletlerin her türlü işbirliğine ve kirli pazarlıklarına karşı, faşist Türk devletine iade sürecimin durdurulması ve derhal serbest bırakılmam için yarından itibaren açlık grevine başladığımı ifade ediyorum.

Yaşasın enternasyonal dayanışma!

Devrimci selamlarımla.

Turgut Kaya 


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