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Struggle for freedom is no terrorism! - Solidarity with PML-RC

ICOR European Continental Committee, 11 November 2018


Dear comrades,

 with indignation we have got knowledge by your letter from the condemnation of the comrade Roberto to 2 years and 3 months of prison. The vigorous support of the fight for the liberation struggle of the Kurdish people is explained for terrorist by the justice.

 Struggle for freedom is no terrorism!

Is the fight against fascism criminalized again by the Spanish state?

 We have high respect for the courageous appearance of the comrade Roberto before the court and for his uncompromising, for the intrepid backing of your party for communism and the organizing of wide publication and solidarity.

We demand the immediate release of Roberto and the suppression of all procedures against comrades who still stand in court.

 No illegalization of the PML (RC)!

Please, inform the CCC Europe about your further procedure and what we can do to your support.

With united and revolutionary greetings

 Jeroen Toussaint and Joachim Griesbaum

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