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You are here: Home / 2018 / Stop the rightward development of the government! MLPD calls for new elections

Stop the rightward development of the government! MLPD calls for new elections

MLPD, (Marxist-Leninist Party of Germany), 07/03/2018


Dear comrades, dear friends,

we would like to inform you again about important developments in Germany. The development of the government to the right is rapidly assuming greater dimensions, in close connection to the other European governments. We are experiencing the deepest political crisis in Germany since 1945. It is connected to a great discontent among the masses of people, which is changing to a progressive change of mood and an enlivening of mass struggles over issues of wages, jobs, rents, child care, health care, the new police laws and the proto-fascist party “Alternative for Germany” etc. It is not surprising that in this situation massive attacks on the MLPD are also increasing. In their reports the secret services certify the grown influence and alliance broadness of the MLPD.

We are looking forward to your response, opinion and solidarity.

Warm regards

Monika Gärtner-Engel

Person responsible for internationalism

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