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Solidarity message to the militant workers at Jiashi Technologies in Shenzhen and their supporters

ICOR – Main Coordinator, 28 August 2018


Dear colleagues,


As Main Coordinator of the revolutionary world organization ICOR (International Coordination of Revolutionary Parties and Organizations) with more than 50 member organizations from four continents, I ensure you full support for your justified struggle. The working class must have the right to organize independently in order to unfold its strength. That also includes the right to form self-organized democratic trade unions as its fighting organizations.

You are receiving great support from students and progressive people in China and in the entire world, who uphold the ideals of Mao Zedong. The workers and all progressive, revolutionary people in the entire world are looking upon your courageous and determined struggle with respect and solidarity. You have shown that you will not let yourselves be intimidated by repression through company management, state apparatus and reactionary representatives of the official trade union.

We will do everything possible for us to make your struggle known and to organize solidarity.


  • We demand the immediate release of all workers, students and other supporters of your struggle!

  • We support the right to independent trade unions!

  • Long live international working-class unity!



Monika Gärtner-Engel

ICOR Main Coordinator

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