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Solidarity message to Jiashi workers

Daimler colleagues from Sindelfingen, Germany, 23. August 2018


Dear colleagues in China,
We Daimler employees at Daimler in Sindelfingen, Southern Germany, declare our solidarity with you. We support your demands to found an independent union.
We are organized ourselves in the world's largest single union, in the German metal workers union IG Metall, as well as worldwide in the International Automotive Workers' Coordination (IAC).
After our unions had been banned under Hitler fascism, our fathers also had to struggle for everything. And today, too, company bosses try to use repression to suppress militant trade unionists in Germany. However, the solidarity of the auto workers is stronger!
In 2015 auto workers joined together in the IAC worldwide. In our founding resolution we pledged:
"Organize campaigns against the oppression of workers who are affected by dismissals, persecution, arrests and other measures ...
Courageous workers have to know that they can rely on international support … We defend the right of free self-organization of the workers.
We stand up for the strengthening of the trade unions as organizations of struggle … We want a fulfilled, dignified and healthy life for all people in harmony with nature – a society without exploitation and oppression, because another world is possible."
Dear Chinese colleagues, we stand by your side!
Daimler colleagues from Sindelfingen, Germany
Klaus-Jürgen Hampejs 
Press spokesperson IAC SINDELFINGEN 

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