ICOR resolution on the 200th anniversary of the birth of Karl Marx
Existing translations
- ICOR Resolution zum 200. Geburtstag von Karl Marx
- ICOR resolution on the 200th anniversary of the birth of Karl Marx
- Resolución de la ICOR con motivo del bicentenario del nacimiento de Carlos Marx
- Résolution de l'ICOR à l’occasion du bi-centenaire de la naissance de Karl Marx
- Резолюция ИКОР относительно 200-летней годовщины со дня рождения Карла Маркса
5th May this year marks the 200th anniversary of the birth of Karl Marx, arguably the person whose thinking has had the greatest impact on the history of humankind. Marx’s thought is vast and multi-faceted. He developed scientific socialism whose three main component parts are dialectical and historical materialism, political economy and the doctrine of the class struggle. In a nutshell, his analysis was a concrete analysis of concrete conditions. It was such analyses that led Marx to uncover the intricacies of capitalism, the necessity of socialist and communist revolution and the correct interpretation of history. He was a universal genius and wrote extensively on politics, economics, history, culture, sociology and science, among other topics, laying the scientific basis for the proletarian women's movement and environmental movement and foresaw , the anti-racist and anti-caste movements etc.
But his forte was not only his thought. He became active in the first international Workingmen’s Association (with the Communist League as a forerunner organization) formed by different trade unions from various countries. He founded the German Workers Association (while he was in Belgium). It was at the behest of the Communist League that Marx and Engels wrote the Communist Manifesto in 1848. Thus he put into practice the principle of proletarian internationalism which he had put forward in opposition to bourgeois nationalism.
All this activity called for great personal sacrifice from Karl Marx. He and his family suffered often from poverty and police repression. He was expelled from nations (twice from France and once from Belgium) and ended up as a stateless person in England, which denied him citizenship while Prussia refused to reinstate his citizenship. He was compelled to do his work in extremely difficult conditions. Such a life took a great toll upon his wife and his family and four of his seven children died at a very young age in infancy.
Many have accepted the truth of the ideas put forward by Karl Marx in various fields, such as economics, sociology, history, etc. Still, they say that his idea of revolution is not correct and is not endemic to his other ideas. This is clearly false. The essence of Karl Marx's ideas is his concept of revolution. It is the life breath of his work.
We remember Karl Marx on this day not only to pay our respects to his past achievements. We specifically assert that the thought of Karl Marx is the future – that scientific socialism is the only possible future in a world beset by various types of crises – economic, political, environmental, ethnic and cultural. It is in such a world that Karl Marx offers us a chance of a world without classes – without race, ethnic, gender, caste and other such biases. A world based on the abolition of private property of the means of production – the land and the factories – where the real history of mankind can be begun.
Let us all strive to commemorate Karl Marx in the only genuine manner. By renewing our resolve and our enthusiasm for the spirit of proletarian internationalism and the fight for democracy and freedom – for socialism and communism – for the world as Karl Marx had given us a vision of.
ICOR calls upon all revolutionaries to make use of the 200th anniversary to
spread the ideas of Karl Marx
to inspire the youth to act upon the revolutionary path shown by Marx
to change the world to socialism and communism – in the spirit of the slogan:
Workers of the world, unite!
Signatories (as of 24 April 2018, further signatories possible):
- ORC Organisation Révolutionnaire du Congo (Revolutionary Organization of Congo), Democratic Republic of the Congo
- MMLPL Moroccan Marxist-Leninist Proletarian Line
- CPSA (ML) Communist Party of South Africa (Marxist-Leninist)
- PPDS Parti Patriotique Démocratique Socialiste (Patriotic Democratic Socialist Party), Tunisia
- MLOA Marxist-Leninist Organization of Afghanistan
- CPB Communist Party of Bangladesh
- CPI (ML) Red Star Communist Party of India (Marxist-Leninist) Red Star
- NDMLP New-Democratic Marxist-Leninist Party, Sri Lanka
- Krasnyj Klin Gruppa Kommunistov-Revoljucionerov „Krasnyj Klin“ (Group of Communist Revolutionaries “Krasnyj Klin” [Red Wedge]), Belarus
- БКП Българска Комунистическа Партия (Bulgarian Communist Party)
- KSC-CSSP Komunisticka Strana Cheskoslovenska – Cheskoslovenska Strana Prace (Communist Party of Czechoslovakia – Czechoslovakian Workers Party), Czech Republic
- MLPD Marxistisch-Leninistische Partei Deutschlands (Marxist-Leninist Party of Germany)
- MIKSZ Magyar Ifjúság Közösségi Szervezete (Organisation of Hungarian Youth Community), Hungary
- KOL Kommunistische Organisation Luxemburg (Communist Organization of Luxemburg)
- RM Rode Morgen (Red Dawn), Netherlands
- BP (NK-T) Bolşevik Parti (Kuzey Kürdistan-Türkiye) (Bolshevik Party (North Kurdistan-Turkey))
- VZDOR VZDOR - strana práce (Resistance - labour party), Slovakia
- MLGS Marxistisch-Leninistische Gruppe Schweiz (Marxist-Leninist Group of Switzerland)
- TIKB Türkiye İhtilalci Komünistler Birliği (Union of Revolutionary Communists of Turkey)
- MLKP Marksist Leninist Komünist Parti Türkiye / Kürdistan (Marxist Leninist Communist Party Turkey / Kurdistan)
- KSRD Koordinazionnyj Sowjet Rabotschewo Dvizhenija (Coordination Council of the Workers Class Movement), Ukraine
- PCC-M Partido Comunista de Colombia – Maoista (Communist Party of Colombia - Maoist)
- PC (ML) Partido Comunista (Marxista Leninista) (Communist Party (Marxist-Leninist)), Dominican Republic
- NPCH (ML) Nouveau Parti Communiste Haϊtien (Marxiste-Léniniste) (New Communist Party of Haiti (Marxist-Leninist))
- PC/ML Partido Comunista (Marxista-Leninista) de Panamá (Communist Party (Marxist-Leninist) of Panama)
- PCP (independiente) Partido Comunista Paraguayo (independiente) (Paraguayan Communist Party (independent))
- PML del Perú Partido Marxista Leninista del Perú (Marxist-Leninist Party of Peru)
- PPP Partido Proletario del Perú (Proletarian Party of Peru)
29. MLP Marksistsko-Leninskaja Platforma (Marxist-Leninist Platform), Russia
30. БРП(к) Българска Работническа Партия (комунисти) (Bulgarian Workers Party (Communist))
Unterzeichner nach der Veröffentlichung:
31. PS-GdT Plataforma Socialista - Golpe de Timón (Socialist Platform – Change of Course), Venezuela
32. RMP Российская маоистская партия (Rossijskaya maoistskaya partiya) (Russian Maoist Party)
Additional Signatories (Non-ICOR):
- Trotz alledem!, Germany
- Union Prolétarienne Marxiste-Léniniste (UPML), Amie de l’ICOR France
- Unité Communiste de Lyon (UCL), Amie de l’ICOR France
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