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You are here: Home / 2018 / Call for a worldwide day of action “Efrîn will live” on 21 March 2018 (Newroz)

Call for a worldwide day of action “Efrîn will live” on 21 March 2018 (Newroz)

ICOR, ICC, 16 February 2018

Millions of people all over the world have already taken to the streets in solidarity with the struggle for democracy and freedom, against the invasion of Afrin by the Turkish government in violation of international law. Unambiguously and as part of the solidarity pact of the ICOR with the Kurdish liberation struggle, 29 ICOR member organizations with their resolution of 26 January affirmed the demand and the hope: “Stop the fascist war of aggression on Rojava/Northern Syria! Afrin will live!”

The Kurdish forces and their allies from all groups of population in Northern Syria fight independently of all imperialist forces.

The ICC of ICOR calls on all organizations to organize or initiate a worldwide day of action “Afrin will live!” on 21 March, the day of the Newroz festival, and to win numerous allies for that.

Newroz, the new day / the Kurdish New Year celebration, is observed by 300 million people, by the Kurds and by many peoples of the Middle East. It symbolizes the will for resistance and the struggle for freedom and democracy. Every organization decides in which form it is going to participate: demonstrations, actions in factories/solidarity strikes, protests in front of embassies, flyers, events and rallies, organization/participation in Newroz celebrations and many more are appropriate forms. The alliance work especially with the Kurdish forces themselves is of special importance. Please, report about your plans and activities! Use the ICOR website!

For your information you will receive a topical dossier in continuation of the “Topical Rojava Letters” of 2015-16.

Turkey out of Rojava! All imperialists out of Syria!

The struggle for democracy and freedom in Afrin is also our struggle!

Stop the arms supplies and military support of Turkey!

Long live proletarian internationalism!

For peace, freedom, socialism!

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