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Statement of the Central Committee of the Patriotic Democratic Socialist Party

PPDS ( Party Patriotic Democratic Socialist), December 24, 2017

The Central Committee of the Patriotic Democratic Socialist Party met on the 23 rd and 24th of December 2017 at the Party’s headquarters in Tunis and after studying the overall situation internationally, regionally and locally, it:

  1. considers that the worsening and deepening of the crisis of global capitalism explains the intensification of the conflict between the imperialist poles to share spheres of influence and the plundering of peoples' goods, as well as the fervent pursuit of imperialist and colonialist forces to bring the results of that crisis to the working class and other labourers and oppressed peoples and nations.

  2. Salutes the uprising of the Palestinian people and the dashing of the free people in Tunisia and in the world against the decision of Trump to transfer the headquarters of the US Embassy to occupied Jerusalem, considering that this decision finally dropped the illusion of betting on the so-called option of peace with the racist Zionist entity, the spearhead of US imperialism in the region.

  3. Expresses its rejection and condemnation of the visit of the imperialist and Zionist agent "Erdogan" to Tunisia, and renews its support for the struggle of the democratic and revolutionary forces in Turkey in the face of the machine of oppression and tyranny of the Brotherhood.

  4. Stresses that the catastrophic deterioration of the situation in the country, economically, socially and politically, is evidence of the depth of the crisis experienced by the existing agent system, which some people still say that this system changed after 14 January 2011. The most important observations of the crisis are:

  • The political, economic and administrative corruption system continues to govern the state's wheels and to define its options, which have further deepened the class and regional differences.

  • Further deepening of the crisis of the ruling reactionary coalition and the exposure of the illusion of consensus and the reality of the "Carthage document" and the collapse of the government of the so-called "national unity" which exacerbated the crisis of the country at all levels.

  • The boost in indebtedness at an alarming rate to increase the dependence of the national decision to the global financial institutions and to the reactionary regional axes (Turkey, Qatar, Iran / Saudi Arabia, UAE / EU ...)

  • The almost total absence of development and the vast spreading of unemployment, which has exacerbated the phenomenon of migration in all its forms. And the resulting deprivation of Tunisia of its best competencies and the tragedies of losing thousands of its finest young people in the sea and in European prisons.

  • The insane rise in prices and the further deterioration of the living conditions of the general population and the worsening of conditions of transport, education, health and other social services provided to citizens.

The Central Committee renews the rejection of the Patriotic democratic Socialist Party for the economic, political and social choices of the reactionary class coalition led by “Ennahdha“ and “ Ennidaa“. It considers that the adoption of the Finance Act of 2018, the signing of the Open Sky Agreement, and the willingness to complete the negotiation of a comprehensive and in-depth free trade agreement with the European Union is a declaration of war on the people's sustenance and purchasing power, targeting public institutions and gradually privatize them, and replication of a failed partnership experience with the European Union (1995 Agreement) which cost Tunisia the loss of 55 percent of its industrial and artisan texture and the loss of hundreds of thousands of jobs. The Central Committee also reiterates the support of the Patriotic Democratic Socialist Party for all legitimate popular movements and declares its involvement in them.

In this context, it insists that the realization of the legitimate demands of the people and their aspirations requires cutting with the patchwork solutions and betting on the reformist stances. It also requires working to advance the revolutionary path and radical change of the existing system. It also requires some progressive national forces to deepen awareness of the accuracy of the stage of the country and to interact with maturity and seriousness with the requirements of reality and the need for further expansion of the joint work to stop the project of the right of reactionary bloc.

On behalf of the Central Committee of the Patriotic Democratic Party

General Secretary

Mohamed Kahlaoui

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