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Set out to Defeat Modi Regime’s Saffronisation of the Rohingya Question

by CPI (ML) Red Star, 09. September 2017

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Modi regime’s treatment of the Rohingya refugees described by the UN as “the world’s most persecuted minority” is highly repugnant. The Myanmar government led by Nobel Peace Laureate Aung San Suu Kyi, grotesquely selective for her championing of human rights and complicit in crimes against humanity is now unleashing armed forces on Rohingyas and cracking down them with the backing of Buddhist extremists and thereby committing genocide with incessant reports of murder, rape and torture resulting in an unprecedented massive exodus of around 1, 50, 000 Rohingyas to neighbouring countries from Myanmar’s Rakhine state. In this context, Modi’s studied silence and hands-off approach on the Rohingya crisis in his just concluded visit of Myanmar and his reluctance to impress up on the Suu Kyi regime the need to have a humane treatment of the persecuted Rohingyas are condemnable. It is very revealing that he minced no words in issuing a joint statement along with Suu Kyi in slamming “terrorism”.

Meanwhile, the Indian government, which has already communalized even its treatment of refugees, is now engaged in deporting around 40,000 Rohingya refugees who face genocide and ethnic cleansing by the Myanmar regime which is stubbornly resisting to take them back as citizens. The Indian government which continues to host “Hindu refugees” from Pakistan and Afghanistan and other countries and which has more than two million people as refugees according to UN Refugee Agency, justifies this deportation and its step-motherly attitude to Rohingyas by arguing that their continued presence would encourage Islamic terrorism in the country. It is to be noted that this planned deportation of refugees based on their ethnicity and religion is a blatant violation of international conventions.

In this context, CPI (ML) Red Star severely condemns Modi government’s forcible eviction of the Rohingyas from India and appeals to all democratic forces and like-minded sections to come forward to expose its saffronisation of the refugee problem and resist and defeat this heinous move.

K N Ramachandran

General Secretary

CPI (ML) Red Star

8 September 2017


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