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Seminar 100 years Octoberrevolution - Thematic Block 5

The October Revolution and the struggle against opportunism and sectarianism.
October Revolution and the Struggle against Right Opportunism and Left Deviation

October Revolution and the Struggle against Right Opportunism and Left Deviation

Introductory speech for International Seminar 100th anniversary of the October Revolution, thematic block 5, K N Ramachandran, General Secretary, CPI(ML) Red Star, October 29, 2017 Read More…

Stalin's und Trotsky's Role in the October Revolution

Stalin's und Trotsky's Role in the October Revolution

Dieter Klauth, MLPD Rote Fahne Editorial Stuff/History, Article No. A10 for the "International Internet Discussion on the importance of the 100th October Revolution", 28 August 2017 Read More…

Book review of Grover Furrs book 'Yezhov vs. Stalin' (part 1)

VANGUARD AUSTRALIA CPA-ML, Contribution C03 to the „International Internet discussion on the significance of 100 years October Revolution“, 28 September 2017 Read More…

Book review of Grover Furrs book 'Yezhov vs. Stalin' (part 2)

VANGUARD AUSTRALIA CPA-ML, Contribution C04 to the „International Internet discussion on the significance of 100 years October Revolution“, 28 September 2017 Read More…

Without an organized working class there is no revolutionary struggle!

by N. Papavasileiou member of of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Greece (m-l), Article No. A17 for the "International Internet Discussion on the importance of the 100th October Revolution", 13 Sepember 2017 Read More…

Ekim Devrimi ve oportünizm ve sekterizme karşı mücadele

Bolşevik Parti (Kuzey Kürdistan/Türkiye) BP(NK/T), Madde No. A21, "100 Ekim Devriminin Önemine Dair Uluslararası İnternet Tartışması", 15 Ekim 2017 Read More…

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