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Seminar 100 years Octoberrevolution - Thematic Block 4

The necessity of socialist building in one country in connection with the building of a communist world movement, of which the Soviet Union was the international bulwark; the importance of the Comintern.
The necessity of socialist building in one country in connection with building a communist world movement, of which the Soviet Union was an international bulwark; the importance of the Comintern

The necessity of socialist building in one country in connection with building a communist world movement, of which the Soviet Union was an international bulwark; the importance of the Comintern

Introductory speech for International Seminar 100th anniversary of the October Revolution, thematic block 4, Dimitrij Kostenko MLP ML Platform (Russia), October 28, 2017 Read More…

About the Restoration of Capitalism in the USSR

G. Andreatos member of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Greece (ML), Comment No. C05 to the „International Internet discussion on the significance of 100 years October Revolution“, 24 September 2017 Read More…

Dünya Komünist Hareketinin inşası ile bağ içinde bir ülkede sosyalist inşanın gerekliliği ve Komintern’in anlamı

Bolşevik Parti (Kuzey Kürdistan/Türkiye) BP(NK/T), Madde No. A20, "100 Ekim Devriminin Önemine Dair Uluslararası İnternet Tartışması", 15 Ekim 2017 Read More…

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