Registration form for participation in the 100th Anniversary of the Great Socialist October Revolution in St. Petersburg
Existing translations
- Anmeldeformular zur Teilnahme am 100. Jahrestag der Großen Sozialistischen Oktoberrevolution in Sankt Petersburg
- Registration form for participation in the 100th Anniversary of the Great Socialist October Revolution in St. Petersburg
- Formulario de inscripción para la participación en el 100 aniversario de la Gran Revolución de Octubre en San Petersburgo
- Formulaire d'inscription pour la participation au Centenaire de la Grande révolution socialiste d'Octobre à Saint-Pétersbourg
- Заявка на участие в праздновании 100-летия Великой Октябрьской Социалистической революции в Санкт-Петербурге, РФ
Registration form for participation in the 100th Anniversary of the Great Socialist October Revolution in St. Petersburg
Time period: 5 - 9 November 2017
Please send in this registration form to:
Only for participants from Germany:
Offers for flights and visas can be requested for example at People to People Reisen.
In this case, please send the registration form also to PtP!
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