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You are here: Home / 2017 / Information on the trip to St. Petersburg for the 100th anniversary of the Socialist October Revolution from 5 November 2017 to 9 November 2017

Information on the trip to St. Petersburg for the 100th anniversary of the Socialist October Revolution from 5 November 2017 to 9 November 2017

22 September 2017


A highlight of the ICOR campaign for the 100th anniversary of the Socialist October Revolution will be the trip to its scenes exactly 100 years after this historic turning point. In Russia a diversified and certainly unforgettable program is being prepared for the travelers. They will visit historic sites of the October Revolution like Finland Station with the locomotive 293 and Lenin's monument on the armored car, the revolutionary armored cruiser “Aurora”, the Smolny with Lenin's first workrooms, the Peter and Paul Fortress or the palace square of the Winter Palace. Also an evening concert with revolutionary music is being prepared as well as a ceremonious festive banquet. There is the possibility for further excursions, and as a highlight a demonstration will take place in St. Petersburg on 7 November – the 100th anniversary of the October Revolution.


You will find the video of the campaign for the 100th anniversary of the Socialist October Revolution here (Link to the video)


You will find the program and information on the estimated costs here (Link to „Program of the ICOR days in St. Petersburg ...“)


Please register for this trip directly in Russia. Your can download the registration form here (Link to „Registration form for participation ...“)


You will find information on the flight booking for the arrival and for getting the necessary visa here (Link to „Informationen zu Flug- und Visabuchungen ...“ von PtP) (only for participants from Germany)



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