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Greeting messages to the 3rd World Conference of ICOR

in English, November 2017


Greeting message of the Communist Party of Australia (Marxist-Leninist) to the 3rd ICOR World Conference


Dear Comrades

On behalf of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Australia (Marxist-Leninist) I extend our greetings to ICOR on the occasion of its Third World Congress.

We highly appraise the work of ICOR and its affiliated organisations and parties.  We extend our proletarian solidarity to all of you, and especially to Comrade Monika Gärtner-Engel, ICOR Main Coordinator who has been the subject of recent death threats from German fascists.  Leading comrades and progressive intellectuals around the world, such as the martyred Gauri Lankesh and Zafar Hussein in India, are increasingly being bullied, jailed and killed by state and right-wing paramilitary forces in a sign of the growing weakness of the imperialist system.

Our cause is just and will not be stopped. We look forward to further exchanges and collaboration with ICOR and its affiliates.

Red salute!

Nick G.

Chairperson, CPA (M-L)

15 October 2017


Greeting message of the International Miners' Coordination
to the 3rd ICOR World Conference



Dear friends, dear colleagues,

Thank you very much for the years of trustworthy and friendly collaboration between the ICOR and the International Miners' Coordination.

We are proud of the ICOR's support for our future-oriented project to unite the 20 million mineworkers worldwide and the worldwide struggles of the mineworkers with your connections and your know-how. Without your support not so many miners from the rank-and-file of other countries would have come to the 1st International Miners' Conference in Peru 2013 and to the 2nd International Miners' Conference in Godavarikhani/India in 2017. Once again many thanks to all ICOR organizations and parties!

We wish your World Conference good luck and much success. We are looking forward to a collaboration in solidarity, on an equal footing and in friendship for further decades. For our vision “of a worldwide linked miners' movement, struggling for themselves and their children to put the treasures of the soil, the water and the air into the hands of those who make them accessible by their work. They shall be used for a rich, healthy life in dignity for all people in harmony with nature – without exploitation and oppression.” the workers need the ICOR for the coordination of worldwide struggles and strong Marxist-Leninist and revolutionary parties and organizations.

Glück Auf

on behalf of the ICG

Andreas Tadysiak

Main Coordinator of the International Miners' Coordination





Comrades of ICOR


We would like you to receive internationalist, fraternal and militant greetings for the opening of the third World Conference of the ICOR and our best wishes of success for it and for the revolutionary struggle as well as for the collaboration and unity of the proletariat, the oppressed peoples and nations of the world.

This conference will be held when we commemorate the centenary of the glorious October Revolution, committing ourselves anew to adhere to the revolutionary struggle and the struggle for socialism, while all the contradictions of the imperialist-capitalist system intensify on a global level.


Long live the 3rd World Conference of the ICOR and proletarian internationalism!


Ricardo Cohen – Secretary General – 8 October 2017





MLOA Afghanistan
Greeting message to the International Conference of the ICOR


Highly honored comrades,

I send you warm and revolutionary greetings! I am very happy to hear that again an international conference of ICOR and of ICMLPO took place for which comrades from all over the world cam together in order to exchange opinions and experience. That these conferences take place and that there is the possibility of exchange is an enormous achievement, for which I would like to congratulate with all my heart. Still it is tragic that hour honored comrade Ali because of a heart attack passed away after the last conference. Unfortunately I myself could also not take part in this important meeting, because I had surgery on both eyes. I sincerely regret to not have been able to participate personally in the rich discussions and get to know the valuable experiences of every individual one. But my thoughts were with you!

Highly honored comrades,

as you know yourselves on the one hand we have global imperialism under the leadership of the United States of America and their allies which only bring fire and blood to our world, and there is not a single day on which we do not hear about occupations, devastations and blood-shedding which they have committed somewhere on the world. On the other hand there is the imperialism of Russia having come to life again showing its claws and baring its teeth towards its opponents which by occupying Syria and the Crimea Penninsula is adding more and more crimes and blood-shedding to its list. The intensification of the dispute and disagreement between these opponents which you can clearly see in the current situation, could lead the world to one of the largest wars of time.

Afghanistan, my home country, is one of the points of convergence of these contradicting and competing imperialists. For over three decades Afghanistan is burning in fire and blood by the occupation and all which has remained are ruins. More than forty different armies (by the order of NATO) and fifty world famous secret services are still in colonial Afghanistan with their military bases and offices, busy with plundering, destruction of resources, killing people and destruction of the youth population of this fainting country. Inother words, Afghanistan has become the test laboratory of the different weapons, the headquarters of espionage by imperialism and international reactionaries.



Your support provides us with the power for the resistance against imperialists and reactionaries and strengthens our heart in the struggle against them.


I wish every individual one of you and the conferences further great successes!

With friendly greetings I press your hands.



Federal executive board of the Women's League Courage e.v.





Dear friends, dear comrades,

The Women's League Courage e.V., working together without regard for political affiliation, sends you greetings of solidarity for your World Conference.

With deep respect and solidarity we experience the women of the ICOR organizations as militant, advancing and forward looking forces – whether at the World Women's Conference of the grass-roots women or in manifold struggles of women of the world. Just in a situation, in which more and more governments are shifting to the right and are attacking especially also active and resisting women, we have to come closer together and learn from each other, how we will strengthen the organized women's movement in our countries. For us the alliance of all oppressed women is important, of women of all classes and strata, of different political views or world outlook – except fascists. We are not ICOR member as the German secret service assumes, but we do not allow anybody to prohibit us from cooperating with you. We are unified in the aim of the liberation of women from exploitation in a liberated society. The October Revolution in Russia 100 years ago has lively proved: Revolutions are also locomotives in the struggle for women's rights and against societal structures, views and traditions hindering women to take over the full responsibility for theirs lives and the social progress. Consolidating your alliance will also promote the alliance of the women of the world – we are convinced of it.

In this sense we wish your conference full success.

Federal executive board of the Women's League Courage e.v.


on behalf


Bernadette Leidinger-Beierle und Brigitte Gebauer










Monika Gartner-Engel,

ICOR-Main Coordinator.

Dear Comrade,

Thank you so much for asking greetings of best wishes in terms of the third International Conference of ICOR from our party, the Communist Party of Nepal (Revolutionary Maoist).

We have pleasure to have intimation about ICOR’s third International Conference due to be held in 2017. We would like to extend our very best wishes and revolutionary greetings on the occasion of ICOR’s third International Conference for its grand success.

We hope that the International conference would be able to adopt revolutionary policies and programs in favor of oppressed classes, nations and peoples of the world and to wage struggle against imperialists and reactionary forces and elements worldwide.

We will be in touch in the days to come too.

With Revolutionary Greetings,


Mohan Baidhya “Kiran”

General Secretary, Central Committee

Communist Party of Nepal (Revolutionary Maoist).

Dated: 15 October, 2017



Sri Lanka : New Democratic Marxist Leninist Party (NDMLP)

Greetings to ICOR


Revolutionary Greetings


At this juncture where 3rd ICOR Conference is taking place, we would like to wish and thank Comrade Stefan Engel for his contributions and leadership he rendered to the creation of ICOR. Today ICOR, as the coordinating organization of revolutionary parties and organizations has grown in stature and reputation. Comrade Stefan Engel's leadership, vision and comradeship played a key role in shaping ICOR.


While celebrating the contribution of Comrade Stefan Engel, New Democratic Marxist Leninist Party (NDMLP) wishes good health and thank Comrade for his contributions and hope comrade will continue his support and contribution to ICOR.


With revolutionary greetings


New Democratic Marxist Leninist Party (NDMLP)




Partija Rada / Party of Labour (Yugoslavia)

On the occasion of the 3th ICOR World Conference
receive our revolutionary greetings!

Dear comrades!

This time we were unable to send our delegates to be part of this very

important meeting due some difficulties.

We wish to congratulate you on your work so far and wish that you will

continue with building up truly democratic and revolutionary movement.

In the year when we celebrate 100th anniversary of the October revolution, we

also must remember that today it is up to us to carry on that fire all around the globe

so they will not be forgoten and to fight for the living and oppressed people today.

We wish you much luck and constructive work during Conference, but also in

the everyday struggle!

Long live the ICOR!

Long live international solidarity and revolutionary struggle of the Proletariat and

oppressed people!

Partija Rada / Party of Labour (Yugoslavia)




Niederlande: Jugendverband Jong en Strijdbaar






Dear comrades,

this year we observe the 100th anniversary of the October Revolution in Russia. We do so, because this socialist revolution was a step forward in the history of mankind. Never before did the world see that the oppressed class of a society of a country liberated itself from their oppressors and built their own socialist society.

We also observe this anniversary together with you, because we must learn from the October Revolution so that we can liberate ourselves from capitalism: no higher being will save us! The youth from JeS from the Netherlands welcome ICOR and wish ICOR much success in international cooperation and in new steps for building the international coordination. A new, socialist revolution can only be organized internationally and therefore it is so important, that all from different countries have gathered here.

Long live the international, socialist revolution!

Long live ICOR!

Jong en Strijdbaar-Netherlands (Young an militant)




RCP Egypt to the 3rd World Conference


We as a Revolutionary Communist Party- Egypt call all our comrades at revolutionary and

communist parties to unite together for socialist revolution over through betty bourgeoisie. We

support all our comrades and press on their hands to concentrate our struggle and efforts. We

should connect more with our people and the party should connect more with mass all that to gain victory and rise the Socialist flags again.

We said that Marxist only is not sufficient but Marxism Leninism do and it's our slogan "MarxismLeninism". This philosophy which transformed Russia from country of wooden plow to great nuclear one under leadership of great Lenin and Stalin.

R.C.P. - Egypt and all its members sincerely follow the way of past Bolsheviks.

Together with all revolutionary, Communist, progressive power at the world toward better life free of exploitation hunger and un-employment.



Greeting message of RMP (Russia) to the World Conference of ICOR

We send our greetings to the World Conference of ICOR and wish for successful work. We think the conference should take steps for developing the exchange of information and content-related discussion among the member parties of ICOR in order to achieve a satisfactory level of ideological-political unification by this. The communists must not avoid the urgent issues which arise in the analysis of problems of national self-determination, labor aristocracy, inter-imperialist rivalry and antiimperialist resistance of any kind. We must jointly solve these questions on the principled basis of Marxism-Leninism and Mao Zedong Thought. This is a condition for the successful development of the practical revolutionary struggle. We hope that the conference of our comrades from all over the world will not simply repeat old wisdoms, but will provide a new quality for this struggle.
RMP Russia (Russian Maoist Party)

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