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First May demonstrations in Tuzla

PR-ByH Partija Rada - Bosne i Hercegovine (Party of Labor - Bosnia and Herzegovina), Bosnia and Herzegovina, 22 May 2017

The Party of Labour of BiH is the only Party that, alongside the Solidarity Union and
the Syndicates of the destroyed Tuzla plants, that took part in the First May
demonstrations in Tuzla. The Representative of PR, commrade F. addressed the
gathered workers. Commrade congratulated First May to workers, and judged the
disgraceful act of the Parties, both ''so-called'' Leftists and Social Democrats, who
did not appear together with workers whose rights were more threatened than ever.
Moreover, some of these parties are in power and have mayors, and it is sad that
none of these mayors and leaders have been invitited citizens to go to the city walk,
by means of the media, and at least by marking the Day, when the workers were
wrestling for their rights that are now violated and have been violating more than
Robust work, without any rights, usually for months and often unpaid for years.
Dismantled factories. Suspicious customers who allegedly "bought" after they
robbed, sold machines and property lost any trace etc., usually behind them
remains wastes and unresolved obligations to workers who after years of
unsuccessful attempts to collect claims through the Court are more than desperate.
At same day, Party of Labour, covered cities across Bosnia and Herzegovina with
the posters calling on the Revolution as the only exit. After May 1., we started
preparing for the 9th May as of the Day of Victory over Fascism; During the 6th, 7th,
8th of May, we printed and pasted posters congratulating 9th May to the inhabitants
of Bosnia. Day before, at May 8th we carried out the action of cleaning and
restoration of the Partizans cemetery in Tuzla. We cleaned up and restored the
inscriptions on the tombstones of the lost partisans in the liberation struggles of
Tuzla from Fascists. That was our humble contribution to the companions in the
struggle against fascism.
Death to fascism and liberty to People!

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