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You are here: Home / 2017 / Additional informations: International Seminar on the theoretical and practical lessons of the October Revolution

Additional informations: International Seminar on the theoretical and practical lessons of the October Revolution


Attention: The venue has changed!!

The socialist revolution of October 1917 was an event of worldwide significance. It gave rise to the general crisis of capitalism which has been deepening until today. The revolutionary Russian workers seized state power under the leadership of the Communist Party with Lenin at its head. This first successful proletarian revolution ended World War I and liberated millions of people from servitude and oppression.

Today the October Revolution and the achievements of socialist construction under Lenin and Stalin are a signal for more and more people that capitalism with all its destructive frenzy is not the end of history. The liberation of the working class from exploitation and oppression is possible.

Attention: The venue has changed!!

27 – 29 October, Gülüm Dügün Salon, An der Knippenburg 115, Bottrop

Access to seminar:

Coming from highway A2: exit Gladbeck/Essen on B224 direction Essen, to the right into Prosperstraße, follow the signs

Coming from highway A42: at junction Essen-Nord on B224 direction Gladbeck, left into Prosperstraße, follow the signs

 At the international seminar “The theoretical and practical lessons of the October Revolution” participants from more than 30 countries are expected to attend. On behalf of the ICOR (International Coordination of Revolutionary Parties and Organizations) it will be chaired by Stefan Engel, Main Coordinator of the ICOR until 2016 and today head of the theoretical organ of the MLPD “Revolutionärer Weg”.


The seminar will be divided into six thematic blocks:

1. Lenin's analysis on the development of the imperialist world system; the character of the 1st World War, the emergence of a revolutionary world crisis at the end of the 1st World War and the analysis of the uneven development of the imperialist countries and the ingenious cognition about the Russian revolution as one of the weakest links in the chain of the imperialist countries.

2. Lenin's strategy of the international revolution. The international counterrevolution brings the international revolution which began with the October Revolution to a standstill, because the objective and subjective prerequisites for a successful proletarian revolution did not exist in most European countries.

3. The strategy and tactics of the armed uprising; the connection between the democratic and the socialist revolution; flexibility of fighting tactics, forms of organization and slogans.

4. The necessity of socialist building in one country in connection with the building of a communist world movement, of which the Soviet Union was the international bulwark; the importance of the Comintern.

5. The October Revolution and the struggle against opportunism and sectarianism.

6. The October Revolution lives! Conclusions for the revolutionary class-struggle today.

 All thematic blocks will be introduced by an initial contribution of 15 minutes. Then the discussion in the hall with contributions of five minutes each will be opened. A simultaneous interpretation into several languages will be provided.


Schedule (with breaks):

Check in/registration on Friday, 27 October, starting at 10 a.m.

Fr. 27 October 9 a.m. - 6 p.m. block 1 and 2

Sa. 28 October 9 a.m. - 4.45 p.m. block 3, 4 and 5

Su. 29 October 9.30 a.m. - 3.30 p.m. block 6


Simple lunch Fr. and Sa. (also vegetarian), drinks, cake, snacks, fruit for reasonable prices.




Regular price

on the day

Regular price

in advance

Reduced price*

on the day

Reduced price*

in advance

Solidarity price

Seminar 1 day

€ 19





Seminar complete

€ 45

€ 42

€ 39

€ 36

€ 60

Cultural Event only

€ 13

€ 12

€ 11

€ 10

€ 18

All-inclusive ticket Seminar + Cultural Event

€ 53

€ 49

€ 45

€ 41

€ 75

* Hartz-IV recipients (social welfare benefits recipients), low-income earners and pensioners, pupils/students

Prices for international participants at


Registration seminar advance booking


Name ….........................................................


Address ….........................................................




Phone ….........................................................


E-mail ….........................................................


O Seminar complete (€ 42/36*/60**)

O Seminar + cultural event (€ 49/41*/75**)

Seminar O Friday O Saturday O Sunday (€ 19 each)

* for Hartz-IV recipients (social welfare benefits recipients), refugees, low-income earners and pensioners, pupils/students

** solidarity price

Tickets and information at local agents (see or at national head office of the MLPD, Schmalhorststr. 1C, 45899 Gelsenkirchen phone: #49(0)209/951940

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