Pida explicaciones sobre los ataques anticomunistas contra el MLPD
Traducciones existentes
Gelsenkirchen, 8 de septiembre de 2017
Queridas y queridos camaradas:
Quisiéramos informarles hoy sobre la agravación de una campaña contra el MLPD que llega hasta solicitudes de prohibición – no sólo en Alemania sino en el marco de un debate internacional, desde Israel a través de EE.UU. hasta Alemania. En este contexto se publicaron artículos los en medios de comunicación en línea que alcanzan un público de millones de personas. Y en los medios impresos sobre todo en la prensa de orientación derecha en Israel y una noticia en la emisora de Trump fox news. Punto culminante son, primero, la afirmación de que el MLPD colaboraría con organizaciones terroristas extranjeras como la organización palestina PFLP y, segundo, la reivindicación de la jefa fascistoide del partido AfD, Frauke Petry, de prohibir a la Lista Internacionalista/MLPD por ser una "excrecencia criminal, marxista-leninista". Precedió el hecho de que el diputado nacional Volker Beck del partido Alianza90/Los Verdes cuestionó la legalidad de la Lista Internacionalista/MLPD por el apoyo a una "organización terrorista palestina". Adjuntamos la toma de posición del CC, del 02-09-17 en inglés. Esta polarización en medios de la lucha electoral es nuestro terreno, pero al mismos tiempo abordamos esta situación con vigilancia. Atacamos de manera ofensiva la derechización más fuerte del gobierno, movilizamos la potencialidad democrática progresista y revolucionaria entre las masas contra ello y fortalecemos al partido, el REBELL y a la Alianza Internacionalista. Ustedes pueden conseguir informaciones de actualidad en, y también leer las numerosas voces en contra de estos ataques.
¡Nos alegraría mucho si ustedes mandarían una declaración breve frente a estos acontecimientos!
Saludos cordiales revolucionarios
Monika Gärtner-Engel
Responsable del internacionalismo
The lines are clear in the election campaign: Internationalist List/MLPD – With our slogan 'Protest is left' WE are the clear counterpole to AfD and all forces that have swung to the right
2 September 2017 statement of MLPD on the reactionary demand of Frauke Petry (AfD) to ban the Internationalist List/MLPD
Following yesterday’s reports in German and Israeli media and in the European media, the discussion continues:
The lines are clear in the election campaign: Internationalist List/MLPD – With our slogan ‘Protest is left’ WE are the clear counterpole to AfD and all forces that have swung to the right
On the reactionary demand of Frauke Petry (AfD) to ban the Internationalist List/MLPD
“This polarization in the election campaign shows where the divide lies,” says Gabi Fechtner, MLPD Party Chairperson and lead candidate of the Internationalist List/MLPD for the federal elections. “With our slogan ‘Protest is left’ WE are the clear counterpole to AfD and all forces that have swung to the right.” AfD ‘Alternative for Germany’ leader Frauke Petry called on her Facebook page yesterday for the ban of the Internationalist List/MLPD as ‘criminal Marxist-Leninist aberration’.
Gabi Fechtner: “With Petry’s demand to ban the Internationalist List/MLPD the AfD shows its true face. It does not at all direct its main thrust at the Establishment, but aggressively and with anticommunist motives targets mainly internationalism, the working-class movement, the international revolutionary liberation struggle, and any anticapitalist alternative.
The grounds for the AfD’s attempt to criminalize the Internationalist List/MLPD is its solidarity with the Palestinian liberation struggle. Progressive Palestinian forces stand as candidates on the lists of the Internationalist List/MLPD; sympathizers of the PFLP and the Demokratischer Kongress Palästina are a part of our alliance. The alleged Green Party model democrat Volker Beck raised the demand on this occasion for the ban of the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine, and questioned the legality of the Internationalist List/MLPD. That he is very much in agreement with the AfD on this point shows what reactionary ideology he is following.
The AfD as groundbreaker for fascism wants to defame and suppress any solidarity with the Palestinian liberation struggle and so takes the side of the state terror of the imperialist Netanjahu government of Israel, which has shifted to the right and with which the Merkel/Gabriel government works closely together.
Criticism of the government of Israel, on the other hand, has nothing to do with antisemitism, from which we clearly distance ourselves in our election program. We clearly state in contrast that we fight any imperialist aggression – which includes criticizing the brutal policy of bleeding the Palestinian autonomous areas and building settlements there; includes criticizing the Palestinians’ lack of rights and the treatment of the Palestinian people as prisoners in their own territory. This is why the Internationalist List/MLPD demands ‘Freedom for Palestine!’. Anyone who thinks this is right should join our Internationalist Alliance. For the opponents of this slogan the defense of the imperialist state of Israel is more important.
Incidentally, the PFLP was the third strongest force in the 2006 elections of the joint national government of the West Bank and Gaza strip, getting more than four percent of the votes, and is one of the strongest forces within the PLO, after Fatah.
The Internationalist Alliance and the MLPD are the counterpole to the ultrareactionary and protofascist AfD, but also to the bourgeois parties that have shifted to the right.
Marxist-Leninist – the MLPD is that, and we are proud to be representatives of the communist freedom ideology. It is typical of such protofascist organizations that they take particular exception to this. The attack of the AfD against democratic and revolutionary organizations warns once again: Resist the beginnings!
Protest is left, internationalist and revolutionary!”
As a side note, the failed ultrareactionary Pegida movement once was started in reaction to the solidarity with the Kurdish liberation struggle, especially from the MLPD.
(See article Rote Fahne News)
Sixteen organizations already cooperate in the Internationalist Alliance, and to date it is supported by 17,000 individuals. Internationalist – class-militant – antifascist – revolutionary – ecological: that is the alliance’s profile. The alliance has a very broad base.
Voices of protest from the Internationalist Alliance and further reports at