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Editorial: International Internet discussion on the significance of 100 years October Revolution

Editorial: International Internet discussion on the significance of 100 years October Revolution

by Stefan Engel, appointee of the ICC for the theoretical seminar “100 years October Revolution” 01 January 2017 Read More…


Bolşevik Parti (Kuzey Kürdistan/Türkiye) – BP (KK/T), 2017 Ocak 4 (turkish version of "100 Anniversary of the Great October Revolution in Russia - HUMANITY NEEDS NEW OCTOBERS!" Read More…

The Current Political Situation of Nepal in Context of the Constitution Amendment Bill (CAB)

by Mohan Bikram Singh, Nepal Communist Party (Mashal), 24 December 2016 Read More…

100 years of October revolution

100 years of October revolution

Revolutionary Communist Party – Egypt (RCP) 09/01/2017 Read More…

Gabi Gärtner speaks plainly: We need a new peace movement!

Gabi Gärtner speaks plainly: We need a new peace movement!

by Gabi Gärtner, Deputy Chairwomen of the MLPD, 15 January 2017 (Rote Fahne No. 26/2016) Read More…

On the ICOR-Resolution on US Presidential Election

On the ICOR-Resolution on US Presidential Election

by RMP Российская маоистская партия (Rossijskaya maoistskaya partiya) (Russian Maoist Party), 20 December 2016 Read More…

 Appeal on March 8th International Women’s Day

Appeal on March 8th International Women’s Day

by Rubina Jamil, General secretary All Pakistan Trade Union Federation, 23 February 2017 Read More…


International Workers Committee Against War and Exploitation, For a Workers' International, 14 March 2017 with additional document in English avec document supplementaire en francais Read More…

Solidarity campaign with Maruti workers

International Workers’ Committee (IWC), 17 March 2017 Read More…



MLKP Marksist Leninist Komünist Parti Türkiye / Kürdistan, 17 Mart 2017 Read More…

2016 activities of Slovak M-L Party "Resistance-Labour party" (Video)

2016 activities of Slovak M-L Party "Resistance-Labour party" (Video)

video by VZDOR VZDOR - strana práce (Resistance - labour party), Slovakia, 13 January 2017 Read More…

Latest news on Maruti-Suzuki days of action:

Committee of the Maruti-Suzuki Workers Union (MSWU), 3 April 2017 Read More…

October: Ten Days That Shook the World - Sergei M. Eisenstein (Video)

(Russian: Октябрь (Десять дней, которые потрясли мир) The famous Soviet silent film made in 1927 by Sergei Eisenstein Read More…

Statement on the unjust verdict against Maruti Suzuki workers

New-Democratic Marxist-Leninist Party, Sri Lanka, 1 April 2017 Read More…

Maruti-Suzuki-İşçilerine Özgürlük! Yaşasın İşçilerin Uluslararası Birliği!

Maruti-Suzuki-İşçilerine Özgürlük! Yaşasın İşçilerin Uluslararası Birliği!

İCOR Devrimci Parti ve Örgütlerin Uluslararası Koordinasyonu, 31 Mart 2017 (ICOR resolution "Freedom for the Maruti-Suzuki workers! Long live the international workers' unity!" in Turkish) Read More…

First May demonstrations in Tuzla

PR-ByH Partija Rada - Bosne i Hercegovine (Party of Labor - Bosnia and Herzegovina), Bosnia and Herzegovina, 22 May 2017 Read More…

Resolution on Venezuela

Resolution on Venezuela

ICOR-Resolution, 29th June 2017 Read More…

Discussion on the significance of 100 years October Revolution

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Seminar 100 years Octoberrevolution - Thematic Block 1

Lenin's analysis on the development of the imperialist world system; the character of the 1st World War, the emergence of a revolutionary world crisis at the end of the 1st World War and the analysis of the uneven development of the imperialist countries and the ingenious cognition about the Russian revolution as one of the weakest links in the chain of the imperialist countries. Read More…

Seminar 100 years Octoberrevolution - Thematic Block 2

Lenin's strategy of the international revolution. The international counterrevolution brings the international revolution which began with the October Revolution to a standstill, because the objective and subjective prerequisites for a successful proletarian revolution did not exist in most European countries Read More…

Seminar 100 years Octoberrevolution - Thematic Block 3

The strategy and tactics of the armed uprising; the connection between the democratic and the socialist revolution; flexibility of fighting tactics, forms of organization and slogans. Read More…

Seminar 100 years Octoberrevolution - Thematic Block 4

The necessity of socialist building in one country in connection with the building of a communist world movement, of which the Soviet Union was the international bulwark; the importance of the Comintern. Read More…

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