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You are here: Home / 2016 / The Murder of Omar Zayed Is a Shameful Stain on the Image of the Bulgarian State

The Murder of Omar Zayed Is a Shameful Stain on the Image of the Bulgarian State

Movement 23. September, Bulgaria 2016-06-26

On February 26, 2016 гthe Palestinian fighter for national liberation Omar Zayed was found dead in the cort-yeard of the Palestinian Embassy in Sofia. According to the Palestinian president Mahmud Abas that is a „disgusting crime“. And the Israeli newspaper „Maariv“ stressed on the fact that the murder coincided in time with the visit of the Bulgarian Prime-Minister in Israel, which was said to be proving the wonderful cooperation between the two countries in the field of security. The word “cooperation” in this case is more than inexact. Cooperation is possible between equal partners whereas the actions of the Bulgarian authorities with regard to Zayed only reveal to what degree our country has been placed in a humiliating dependence and subordination. It is sufficient just an e-mail on behalf of Israel with a request for extradition of a Palestinian patriot and the Bulgarian prosecution office issues an order for his retention although he has been living in Sofia for 22 years already and has a family, wife and children. And the “guilt” of the Palestinian is that he has fought for the independence of his country against the foreign occupation.

When it became known that Zayed was within the territory of the Palestinian embassy in Sofia, the Bulgarian Ministry of Foreign Affairs refused to provide security of the Palestinian mission notwithstanding the requests of the Palestinian diplomats. What is the worth of the Bulgarian government recognizing the right of the Palestinian people to have an independent state if the same government actually helps the occupants to prosecute the fighters for the liberation of Palestinian country in our territory?

The death of Omar Zayed is not only a shameful stain on the image of the Bulgarian state but it is a heavy blow on the traditional friendship of Bulgaria with the Palestinian and the other Arabic people, and it is harmful for the national interests of Bulgaria.

"23 September" - Bulgaria


The daughter of Omar Zayed: My father was a fighter against the occupation

“We were born in Bulgaria. We are Bulgarians. We love Bulgaria. All that we want is to live in peace.

My father is not a murderer! He was a fighter against the foreign occupation of his native land. he fought the enemies of the Palestinian state in order to save his family, his home, his land. He and all Palestinians have always fought with bare hands, not with weapons, against the Israeli bullets, bombs and tanks. Our only weapons were the stones of our country, but our fighters have never feared, they have always been fearless and strong-willed! Yet they have been called murderers just because they have protected themselves, their relatives and their land.

Not my father is a murderer; it is the occupants, who are murderers! They have killed so many children, they have destroyed so many homes, they have made so many children orphans and have deprived so many parents of their children! I am proud of my father."

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