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You are here: Home / 2016 / Symbols for the revolution and women becoming a commander: Yeliz Erbay (Berçem) and Şirin Öter (Ekin)

Symbols for the revolution and women becoming a commander: Yeliz Erbay (Berçem) and Şirin Öter (Ekin)

by MLCP, 18 January 2016

On 22nd December 2015 two commander comrades, comrades Bercem and
Sirin, answered the counter-revolutionary police attack to annihilate
and the violence with their revolutionary will and violence. They
defended the party’s base they stayed at with their lives. By that
they joined the immortal comrades dying in the struggle for the
revolution and socialism. The two of them didn’t only support the
Kurdish freedom fighters’ and Kurdish peoples’ self-defence and armed
resistance against the colonial occupation that has lasted for months
as from the West meaning from Turkey but also showed the way for
strengthening the united revolutionary struggle and abolishing the
colonial fascist dictatorship. They also gave us the message that the
womens’ will and liberation could be won through revolutionary war
practice and women becoming commanders.

The resistance of the two comrades was a revolutionary vanguard action
against the fascist AKP’s and T. Erdogan’s regime that attacks the
revolutionary movement, the Kurdish freedom movement and oppressed
with tyranny and brutality. It was a blaze. It was the action of
revolutionary militants steeled with revolutionary violence and will
against the colonial violence and siege.

There is no doubt that this revolutionary resistance can’t be
considered separately from the current political developments, the
dirty and reactionary war led by the fascist dictatorship within the
country and abroad. On the contrary, is is the currently necessary
revolutionary duty. It is the practice of our party MLCK‘s strategy
and political tactics. It is part of our party’s revolutionary
struggle in Turkey, Kurdistan, Rojava and the Middle East in the last

The outcome of this struggle is the practice of the FESK (Armed Forces
of the Poor and Oppressed). When we consider the FESK’s historical and
political struggle, we see examples of different means. Removing
obstacles in front of revolutionary organization and action, the
preparation of self-defence of people and revolutionary militants and
answering the demands for justice and rendering account are the
contents of FESK’s action. The preparation of the revolutionary
political violence and fighting power of the working class’ and
oppressed against the counter-revolutionary political violence and
war, its organization and defining will grow and develop through such
resistances and struggles of revolutionary vanguards.

The MLCP is the revolutionary war party of Turkey and Kurdistan. It is
the party of the regional revolution in the Middle East. At the same
time is the womens’ party leading a fight for the liberation of women.
It has revolutionary fighting organisations, experiences, tactics and
main lines It has dozens of party martyrs losing their lives in the
armed struggle. It has hundreds of revolutionary prisoners and will
have some in future. Thousands of members, activists, sympathizers
were arrested, tortured and will experience this in future, too.

The MLCP has used any means and form of struggle needed in the
political struggle for the class struggle. Within its 20 years of
struggle history, the party has used illegal and legal means, armed
and disarmed means, the parliamentary and peaceful way as well as
barricades and street resistances, unions and democratic
organisations, cultural and sporty activities, strikes and boycotts,
group and mass violence throughout its foundation and development. The
members of the MLCP are trained as revolutionary fighters and
militants such as foreseen by the statut and programme. They fulfil
actions and take over duties needed by the party and class struggle.
Comrades Yeliz and Sirin organised their lives and actions as wanted
by the MLCP.

Comrade Yeliz (Bercem) was in the front of the struggle for the
revolution and socialism and realised “class suicide”. She cut all her
relations with the capitalist system, any open and hidden relations.

She fulfilled all duties given to her by the party with the full
conscious, responsibility and discipline. In the first years of her
being a revolutionary she used to work as a teacher and was active in
the union. She supported her comrades being illegally. In 2006 when
her party faced serious organizational attacks by the fascist regime
there was the need to become professionally revolutionary and work
illegally. Without the smallest doubt she stopped being a teacher and
together with her comrades, she worked actively in the party’s
illegality always being hunted by the police and facing difficult
conditions. After 2010 she joined military training actions. For some
time she was trained to become a commander. And she trained hundreds
of people herself.

At the same time comrade Bercem trained herself theoretically and
produced. She wrote articles on the women’s question and sex
conscious. And she fought against the patriarchal understanding and
thoughts of male comrades within the party.

Her feeling for comradeship and justice were very strong. She never
had problems to get to know someone. She was productive and active, a
revolutionary militant.

Comrade Sirin was an oppressed labourer women, oppressed due to her
ethnicity, religion and class.

The society and history she came from is full with great resistances
and fights. She was a comrade who used to work in the textile sector
and supported the militant actions in the borough at the same time.
She was a communist comrade whose diligence and discipline were
adorable. She was always very interested in military actions and
joined the trainings. She was full of rage against fascism and
capital. She fought with the working class and oppressed peoples’
revolutionary class rage and violence. Together with comrade Bercem
she realised revolutionary actions against the counter-revolutionary
focus. The way to become a female commander made her free from day to

Their revolutionary fighting will and resistances are an example for us!

Comrades Yeliz and Şirin will live in our struggle!

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